A thief broke into a helicopter at the Sacramento Executive Airport and crashed it while attempting to fly away, according to police.
A trespasser tried four different choppers on the tarmac between 4 and 6 a.m. before getting one to start, police told KCRA.
After crashing when they attempted to take off, the suspect fled the scene.
Police said they are not aware of any injuries, and no arrests have been made.
“This investigation is in its early stages,and this information is preliminary as detectives work to learn exactly what occurred,” police told The Sacramento Bee.”
The helicopter is owned by Capitol Helicopters, a Sacramento-based helicopter charter.
Pope Benedict XVI, the conservative German priest who served as the head of the Catholic Church for almost eight years before becoming the first pope in centuries to resign, has died. He was 95.
The Holy See Press Office announced that Benedict died at 9:34 a.m. on Dec. 31. On Jan. 2, the body of Benedict will be at St. Peter's Basilica so people can pay their respects. Vatican spokesperson Matteo Bruni said that Pope Francis will preside over Benedict's funeral Jan. 5 in St. Peter's Square.
Pope Francis@PontifexTwitter: @PontifexLet us #PrayTogether for Pope Emeritus Benedict who is supporting the Church in silence. Let us ask the Lord to console him and to sustain him in this witness of love for the Church, until the end.
12:30 PM - 28 Dec 2022Reply Retweet Favorite
Leading the Vatican between the papacies of two enormously popular men, Benedict, a shy introvert, never managed to enjoy the same cultural impact or public favor as the charismatic popes John Paul II and Francis.
The writings and encyclicals of Benedict, regarded as one of the foremost theologians of his generation, as pontiff were popular even among his critics, and he will undoubtedly be remembered as a “teaching pope” who worked to make doctrine accessible to all.
But his tenure as pope was rocky. Most notably, he was heavily criticized for the Vatican’s handling of child sex abuse committed by priests. He also struggled to reconcile a fundamentalist interpretation of church teachings with an increasingly vocal subset of Catholics advocating for LGBTQ rights and a more nuanced stance on contraception and abortion rights.
The infamous “Vatileaks” scandal, wherein the pope’s own butler leaked correspondence showing a Holy See plagued by infighting and jealousy, also came to symbolize a church in disarray.
Benedict will be best remembered, though, for his shocking decision to resign from the papacy in 2013 because of his age, having concluded that he lacked the “strength of mind and body” necessary to continue in the role. Assuming the new title of pope emeritus, Benedict became the first pontiff since the 13th century to relinquish the papacy without external pressure.
Born Joseph Aloisius Ratzinger in the Bavarian city of Marktl, Germany, on April 16, 1927, Benedict was the third and youngest child of Joseph and Maria Ratzinger. His parents met through a singles ad his father placed in a Catholic newspaper in July 1920, something that Benedict did not learn until an official visit to Germany as pope in 2006.
Benedict grew up in the village of Traunstein, near the Austrian border, where his father worked as a police officer. His adolescence was marked by the rise of Nazism; like all young Germans, he was required to join the Hitler Youth, but said he always looked for reasons to avoid meetings. Benedict later said that he remembered seeing his parish priests being beaten by Nazis before Mass.Benedict in 1943 as a German air force assistant
In September 1944, Benedict was conscripted into an auxiliary anti-aircraft corps outside of Munich. On April 16, 1945, his 18th birthday, he was forced into basic training but deserted the army a few weeks later. He was captured by Allied forces on his way home and taken to a POW camp outside Ulm, where he was held until June 19.
Following the end of World War II, Benedict completed his studies at his hometown seminary and set his eyes on higher education. From 1946 to 1951, he studied philosophy and theology at the Higher School of Philosophy and Theology of Freising and at the University of Munich.
Benedict and his brother, Georg, were ordained as priests June 29, 1951. Soon after he joined the priesthood, Benedict was appointed a lecturer in the archdiocesan seminary in Freising, a position he held while working on his doctoral dissertation. He received his doctorate in theology from the University of Munich in July 1953.
The next 20 years of Benedict’s life would be defined by his role as a teacher of the Catholic faith. During these years, Benedict’s scholarship attracted the notice of church leaders. In 1962, Cardinal Joseph Frings of Cologne asked him to serve as his adviser for the four sessions of the Second Vatican Council. For the next three years, until the council concluded in December 1965, he was highly influential behind the scenes of Vatican II, drafting documents, writing many of Frings’s speeches, and organizing the German coalition of bishops.
Benedict was named archbishop of Munich and Freising by Pope Paul VI on March 24, 1977. Three months later, he was elevated to the College of Cardinals. In August 1978, he was part of the conclave that elected John Paul I, who would serve as pope for 33 days before his death. Two months later, on Oct. 16, Benedict and the other members of the College of Cardinals elected John Paul II, who would go on to become one of the most well-known and beloved popes in the history of the Catholic Church.
In 1981, Pope John Paul II appointed Benedict the prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF). The modern CDF is a descendant of the Holy Inquisition and is responsible for promoting and preserving church doctrine. One of the organization’s primary roles is to rule whether writings and actions are theologically and morally consistent with church doctrine.
As head of the CDF, Benedict earned the nickname “God’s Rottweiler” for the fervor in which he championed the conservative wing of the church. His tenure was characterized by a widespread stifling of theologians and scholars whose understanding of Catholicism was outside the boundaries of his own interpretation. In particular, he cracked down on “liberation theology,” a movement started in Latin America that calls for embracing the poor and actively engaging in social justice and economic reform. Benedict’s publications as head of the CDF doubled down on the church’s conservative stances on LGBTQ issues, religious pluralism, bioethical issues (particularly abortion and contraception), secularization, and many other “social” issues. Those who dared to argue were disciplined, dismissed, and even excommunicated.
Paolo Cocco / AFP / Getty ImagesPope John Paul II waves to cardinals and bishops at the Vatican in 2003 as then-cardinal Joseph Ratzinger looks on.
In 2002, he was named dean of the College of Cardinals, a position he held until he was elected pope. Following the death of Pope John Paul II on April 2, 2005, Benedict, who had been the former pope’s right-hand man, was responsible for calling the conclave to elect the new leader of the Catholic Church.
This article is from the Unstuck newsletter archives — a 5-minute weekly read about what’s working in the world of entrepreneurship for creators just like you. I hope you enjoy it! If you do, join the 127k+ readers who are getting unstuck (100% free!) every week.
I had a friendly bet with my soon-to-be-a-teenager son Keoni today. I’ll paint the scenario so that you can play along too…
It’s the day before another school year begins and my wife April asks me if Keoni had gotten his haircut yet.
He did not.
So, I called our favorite haircut place to ask what the wait times were.
After I hung up, I called Keoni down and said, “Hey bud, OVER or UNDER on wait times for a haircut today?”
That’s code for “do you want to play a game where you guess ABOVE or BELOW a certain number I give you?”
He said, “Sure! What’s at stake?”
“A cheesesteak.” I replied.
“Yes!” he said with a smirk. “What’s the number?”
“2 hours. Over or under?”
After a curiously long pause Keoni finally replied, “Under. It’s got to be under.”
What do you think? Over or under?
Well, let me just say that the cheesesteak I ate tasted extra good, mostly because it was free.
The total wait time for a haircut today: 3 hours and 5 minutes. OVER, by a longshot.
As we sat there eating our cheesesteaks, I took the opportunity to do what I normally do in these types of situations: teach my son a lesson in how people think and behave.
Most people wait until the last minute to do and decide most things, just like how we (and the rest of the neighborhood) waited until the last day before school began to finally get a haircut.
Without a deadline and without something at stake, there will likely be no action or decision made.
For my son, the context was related to goal-setting, homework, creating self-imposed deadlines, using a calendar, getting ahead and generally just being prepared for having to step it up in the 7th grade this year.
For you, the creator and entrepreneur, the context is this:
This is a graph showing the revenue from a recent 7-day course sale in our company. Can you see when most of the sales came in?
Here’s the breakdown, income report style:
Here’s another example from a recent 3-day sale we just ran, too:
The breakdown:
This last minute pattern holds true for every single sale that we’ve done, and the more we highlight the deadline to decidethe more sales we see right before the deadline.
Every. Single. Time.
Plain and simple: unless there’s a reason for a buyer to make a decision now…they won’t.
Here are three key takeaways from all of this:
If you’re stuck selling a product or service with little to no movement, insert a flash sale into the calendar within the next month. Provide a small window (i.e. 3-5 days) to take advantage of an offer that will go away, whether it be a bonus or even a discount. You could align this with a season or event (like a “Back-to-School Special”, if that makes sense for your brand), or just because.
If you don’t have a product or service yet, think about a reason to push a decision to join your email list. Perhaps there’s a special training you could offer, or even a limited-time lead magnet that relates to your audience that goes away or gets removed after a certain point. It can always come back later, but having the deadline will increase your conversions like crazy.
The post I Made a Bet with My Son & Taught Him a Lesson appeared first on Smart Passive Income.
People use loyalty as a word with no meaning because they never understand what is the real meaning of loyalty.
Get some loyalty with power is the new market of modern day slavery. Even politicians are some how bought by powerful people; ever heard of “I got that man in my pockets” well that is really the reason why loyalty is not as solid as it used to be. Loyalty is a fabrication of control and survival to another.
Every coach we talk to (and we talk to a lot of them!) says the same thing about what they do:
Being a coach is so rewarding because you get to help and support clients along the path to reaching their goals. Watching clients succeed is a source of personal pride among coaches, whatever field of coaching you specialize in, such as life, nutritional, financial, or business.
But I often wonder: Who coaches the coach?
Coaching can be exhausting, particularly if your calendar is bursting with back-to-back calls and meetings. A solidly booked calendar might seem great for the bank balance and reputation, but it's incredibly difficult to sustain.
Are you so busy with coaching sessions that you feel held back when it comes to growing your own business? Are you helping others succeed yet feel limited when it comes to your own success? Keep reading to discover an effective solution.
Your Business Depends on Your Client RelationshipsTo state the obvious, your professional success and your coaching business rely on your relationship with your clients.
Building professional relationships requires communication. After all, the main value of what you offer to clients is access to you. Without access, clients don't obtain the necessary guidance, insights, and support that they expect from coaching services.
In essence, client access is vital, for both the client and your business.
However, having so many meetings negatively impacts your ability to grow and scale your coaching business. There are limited hours in the day and, if so much of your time is spent on calls or in in-person meetings, there's no time left to focus on other areas of your business.
Problems of Being Too Busy with CallsSpending so much time in calls or meetings or calls is problematic for several reasons
Your Business Cannot GrowYour personal business goals to improve your website, develop your social media channels, invest in additional training and certification, or participate in professional networking events, for example, cannot happen if your time is constantly spent on client calls.
In short, your business can fail to thrive while helping others reach their goals.
Your Mental Well-Being Can SufferToo many calls can also take a toll on your mental and physical health. Zoom fatigue is unpleasant and, unfortunately, very real!
A day spent in live meetings is draining. Now, repeat that every working day, and you'll quickly realize how unsustainable it is.
In addition to impacting your focus and mood, back-to-back calls can negatively affect your client interactions. Few people operate at their best when they're exhausted. You might be saying the same words, but with little conviction or passion — and your clients can usually pick up on this change in energy.
Fatigue can affect how you approach matters, too, and it's unlikely you'll be the best coach you can be when you're stressed and run down from spending too much time in live calls.
Your Physical Health Can SufferSimply being at your screen all day can cause more adversity for you. You may experience headaches, dry eyes, digital eye strain, body aches, dehydration, insomnia, and a raft of other screen-related issues.
It’s widely known that excessive periods sitting in front of a screen can contribute to potentially serious health problems, ranging from obesity and diabetes to high blood pressure, muscle fatigue, high blood pressure, and certain types of cancers.
So, how can you balance the critical need for client access and your other business needs and health?
For starters
Transform Your Coaching Business with Asynchronous MessagingWith so many possibilities, async communications can really help you to transform and grow your business.
You'll have greater control over your time while still building client trust and maintaining open channels for access. Plus, clients love having space between messages to think, digest, and consider their next question or response.
You can give client issues the short, sharp focus they deserve, rather than racing from call to call with barely a moment to breathe.
You can consider offering new coaching programs and reach even more clients.
Async solutions really are a win-win for everyone!
The post How to Scale Your Coaching Business with Asynchronous Coachingappeared first on Smart Passive Income.
Les incidents de violence sexuelle font depuis longtemps partie intégrante de l’histoire humaine. Parfois, ils ont changé le cours de l’histoire.
Presque aussi longtemps que les gens enregistrent l’histoire, ils documentent les agressions sexuelles. Des écrits de la Grèce antique à la Bible en passant par les lettres des premiers explorateurs, la violence sexuelle fait depuis longtemps partie intégrante de l’histoire humaine. Certaines agressions ont même changé le cours de l’histoire. Et, comme toute l’histoire, ce que nous savons des agressions sexuelles du passé est généralement ce qui a été dit par les vainqueurs, principalement des hommes.
«Les femmes sont effacées», déclare Sharon Block, professeur d’histoire à l’Université de Californie à Irvine et auteur de Colonial Complexions: Race and Bodies in Eighteenth-Century America. « Les viols historiques qui ‘ont compté’ sont les seuls où les hommes se sont vus lésés. »
Les guerres, en particulier, ont été liées à des agressions sexuelles flagrantes, des viols massifs commis par des soldats soviétiques alors qu’ils avançaient en Allemagne pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale à la violence sexuelle au milieu des génocides au Rwanda en 1995. En fait, l’omniprésence des agressions sexuelles dans les guerres rend ces crimes une catégorie à part entière.
Étant entendu qu’aucune liste ne pourrait jamais être exhaustive, voici les agressions sexuelles qui ont à la fois influencé l’histoire et celles qui, notamment, ne l’ont pas fait.
1. L’ascension d’Alexandre le GrandUn acte de violence sexuelle pourrait avoir contribué à l’ascension d’Alexandre le Grand, selon les historiens grecs Diodorus Siculus et Plutarque. Leurs récits ont été écrits des centaines d’années après que l’événement était censé avoir eu lieu, mais l’histoire se déroule comme suit : En 336 avant J.-C. a été invité à un banquet par le beau-père de Philippe, Attale. Là, il a été violé par les serviteurs d’Attale. Lorsque Philippe a refusé de punir les assaillants (il a donné une promotion à Pausanias), Pausanias a assassiné le roi, ouvrant la voie à l’ascension du fils de Philippe, Alexandre le Grand.
2. Le viol des SabinesL’historienne romaine Tite-Live, écrivant au premier siècle, fait remonter les origines de Rome au milieu du VIIIe siècle avant J.-C., lorsque la tribu guerrière faisait face à une pénurie de femmes. « La croissance démographique était la chose la plus difficile à réaliser dans l’Antiquité », explique Thomas Martin, auteur de Rome antique : de Romulus à Justinien. Selon Tite-Live, le chef romain, Romulus, organisa une fête religieuse et invita la tribu Sabine voisine (« Nourriture et boisson gratuites », note Martin.) Au signal de Romulus, les Romains attaquèrent et tuèrent les Sabins au festival et portèrent hors des femmes. Dans la guerre sanglante qui en résulta, les femmes sabines mirent un terme aux hostilités, s’alliant aux tribus et permettant aux Romains de se multiplier. Comme pour le viol de Lucrèce, puis de Virginie, tous deux racontés par Tite-Live, il y a désaccord entre les historiens quant à la véracité de cette histoire. « C’est un mythe », affirme Mary Beard, historienne et auteur de SPQR : A History of Ancient Rome.
Les tribus celtiques étaient une épine constante aux côtés de l’Empire romain à partir du moment où elles ont envahi l’île de Grande-Bretagne en 45 après JC. Les Iceni, une tribu celtique d’East Anglia, étaient dirigées par un roi nommé Prasutagus, qui était marié à Boudicca. À la mort de Prasutagus, Rome a réclamé son royaume, malgré les objections de Boudicca, qui a été fouettée publiquement et forcée de voir ses filles violées par des soldats romains. Boudicca rassembla alors une puissante armée et se rebella contre les Romains, saccageant finalement Londres (alors appelée Londinium). L’historien romain Cassius Dio décrit comment les propres soldats de Boudicca ont alors violemment agressé les femmes romaines là-bas: « Leurs seins ont été coupés et fourrés dans la bouche, de sorte qu’ils semblaient les manger, puis leurs corps ont été embrochés dans le sens de la longueur sur des piquets pointus. » La rébellion de Boudicca a finalement été écrasée par le général romain Gaius Suetonius en 60 ou 61 après JC.
Christophe Colomb recevant une fille amérindienne en cadeau. Collection Historica Graphica/Images du patrimoine/Getty Images
Lorsque l’explorateur italien Christophe Colomb a voyagé dans les Caraïbes dans les années 1490, il a non seulement découvert de nouvelles terres, mais au moins un de ses hommes a documenté son propre viol et torture d’une femme autochtone. Michele de Cuneo, un noble ami de Colomb, raconte l’histoire d’une « femme caraïbe » que lui a donnée l’amiral. Lorsqu’elle a riposté à ses tentatives d’agressions sexuelles, il « a pris un morceau de corde et l’a fouettée bruyamment… finalement nous sommes parvenus à un accord de telle manière que je peux vous dire qu’elle semblait avoir été élevée dans une école pour prostituées ». .” Les navires de Christophe Colomb finiraient par retourner en Europe, transportant plus de 1 000 esclaves.
5. L’acquittement rapide d’un baronLe baron Frederick Calvert a peut-être été l’un des premiers à étudier l’affluenza. Laissé une grosse somme d’argent – et le poste de gouverneur propriétaire du Maryland – à 20 ans, le play-boy anglais a été expulsé de Turquie pour avoir tenu un harem et aurait assassiné sa première femme. En 1768, il fut accusé de l’enlèvement et du viol de Sarah Woodcock, une modiste. Le jury a mis une heure pour l’acquitter (ils ont décidé qu’elle n’avait pas assez essayé de s’échapper), mais il a été chassé de la société britannique et son titre est mort avec lui en 1771.
6. « Mutiny on the Bounty » et le sombre héritage de PitcairnEn avril 1779, Fletcher Christian et 18 de ses fidèles marins ont saisi un navire du capitaine William Bligh lors d’un incident rendu célèbre dans le roman et le film Mutiny on the Bounty. Christian et ses marins se sont installés sur les minuscules îles Pitcairn dans le Pacifique Sud, ainsi qu’à Tahiti, où vivent toujours leurs descendants. En 1999, une accusation de viol d’une jeune fille de 15 ans a été portée contre un homme plus âgé sur l’île. Le procès a révélé une culture d’abus sexuels sur les enfants qui perdurait depuis des générations. En 2004, sept hommes, qui représentaient un tiers de la population masculine de l’île, ont été jugés pour délits sexuels. Les procès ont été compliqués par de nombreux facteurs, notamment l’éloignement de l’île et l’absence de système juridique. En fin de compte, six des sept accusés ont été reconnus coupables et trois ont été emprisonnés, bien qu’aucun n’ait reçu de peines importantes.
7. « Incidents dans la vie d’une esclave ». Écrit par elle-même.Il est impossible d’estimer le nombre de femmes esclaves de couleur agressées et/ou violées par des propriétaires d’esclaves dans les colonies et aux États-Unis avant la fin de la guerre civile. Ce qui est clair, c’est que de tels cas étaient courants et n’auraient pas été considérés comme des « agressions ». Dès 1662, l’organe directeur de Virginie, la Chambre des Bourgeois, a institué des règles concernant les enfants nés de femmes asservies dans lesquelles le père pouvait être un homme blanc (libre) : « Si la mère (quelle que soit son origine raciale, qu’elle soit indienne, noire ou métisse) est un esclave, un enfant est un esclave, quel que soit son père », déclare Peter Wallenstein, auteur de Cradle of America : A History of Virginia. Les récits survivants de ces agressions ne provenaient que de personnes évadées ou anciennement réduites en esclavage, qui ont réussi à les enregistrer. Incidents dans la vie d’une esclave. Écrit par elle-même par Harriet Jacobs en est un exemple. Le père de deux de ses enfants réduits en esclavage, Samuel Treadwell Sawyer, a été élu au Congrès.
8. Le Pogrom de KichinevLe meurtre de 49 Juifs dans la ville de Kichinev dans l’Empire russe en 1903 comprenait également le viol de dizaines de femmes juives. Dans son livre, Pogrom: Kishinev and the Tilt of History, Stephen J. Zipperstein, professeur d’histoire à Stanford, note que les images, ainsi que les contes et les poèmes des transgressions de Kishinev ont fait le tour du monde, y compris l’Amérique. Le tollé suscité par les rapports de Kichinev a motivé les Juifs russes à se joindre à l’activité révolutionnaire contre le régime tsariste et a influencé la migration de milliers de Juifs d’Europe de l’Est vers l’Ouest et la Palestine. Dans le même temps, le pogrom a jeté les bases des horreurs auxquelles les Juifs européens seront confrontés 40 ans plus tard pendant l’Holocauste.
9. Le viol de Recy TaylorRecy Taylor avait 24 ans quand, en 1944, elle a été kidnappée par six hommes alors qu’elle rentrait de l’église à Abbeville, en Alabama, et violée collectivement à l’arrière d’un camion. Même si l’un des auteurs avait avoué, deux jurés blancs ont refusé d’inculper l’accusé. Le viol de Taylor et la réaction, emblématique du sud répressif de Jim Crow, ont contribué à galvaniser le mouvement des droits civiques. Lorsque les détails de son histoire ont été rapportés dans la presse noire, la NAACP a envoyé Rosa Parks à Abbeville pour enquêter sur l’affaire. Parks a créé le Comité pour l’égalité de justice pour Mme Recy Taylor, dont les dirigeants ont ensuite organisé les Montgomery Bus Boycotts. En 2011, la législature de l’État de l’Alabama a officiellement présenté ses excuses à Taylor pour son absence de poursuites.
Repéré sur History
The post Quand les agressions sexuelles sont entrées dans l’histoire first appeared on Balistrad.https://balistrad.com/violence-sexuelle-agression-histoire/
It’s crazy in Atalanta right now.
The recent news of Young Thug and Gunna’s indictment, and the death of fellow ATL rapper, Trouble, it’s a lot for the hip hop community.
In the latest update, police arrested the man who they believe killed Trouble, 34, on June 5. Jamichael Jones, 33, is in police custody after he surrendered to the police. He’s charged with felony murder, aggravated assault, home invasion, and battery. A news source reports, Jones was denied bond. His next hearing is scheduled for June 15.
Jedidia Canty, the public information officer for the Rockdale County Sheriff’s Office, said in a statement, “It was a domestic situation,” during a press conference.
Canty didn’t publicly announce any other details. Earlier today (June 7), we reported, Trouble was visiting a woman at the apartment complex where she lived when Trouble was fatally shot in the chest. Jones is the ex of the woman Trouble went to see.
Trouble’s alleged girlfriend spoke out online. Her name online is Alexis Shalae, and she said, “he was just at the wrong place wrong time in the post. (Broken heart emoji). I’ll never be mad at him for this.” She continued,
“I’m just hurt he didn’t survive. The bond we had was one of a kind. & I’ll cherish the memories forever. What we had, most people wouldn’t understand & we never care to explain. But anything worth having at all is worth working and waiting for and I promise it was worth the wait.” She ended the message with,
“The time we spent together was the best moments of my life.” Take a look at a screenshot shared by the Baller Alert blog:
Trouble’s girlfriend speaks out pic.twitter.com/ZEskxARYM1
— BallerAlert (@balleralert) June 7, 2022
Online users chime in and share their thoughts:
This Trouble murder messy as hell. I feel bad for the girl he was with, and his long term girlfriend.
— paris lashay (@worldofparis__) June 7, 2022
Rip Trouble but I feel so bad for his girlfriend. It’s so embarrassing to hear that your man died while cheating on you
(@ItsBossCharles) June 7, 2022
It’s not clear what led to the shooting. Investigators believe Jones and Trouble didn’t know each other. We’ll keep you updated as more details become available.
RIP Trouble. Our hearts and prayers are with his loved ones and fans.
The post Trouble’s GF Speaks After Reports Say He Was Killed At Another Woman’s Home Allegedly By Her Ex, ‘I’ll Never Be Mad At Him’ appeared first on Hot97.
Bow Wow sent social media into a frenzy.
A video went viral of the 35-year-old rapper/reality star kissing three women. In the footage, three women started giving Bow Wow smooches at the same time. Then, afterward, they each returned for a solo tongue kiss.
Take a look:
View this post on InstagramA post shared by The Neighborhood Talk (@theneighborhoodtalk)
Online critics commented on the video and reminded Bow Wow that we’re still in a pandemic, dealing with the contagious COVID-19. WHO also announced there have been several cases of monkeypox in America. Take a look at some reactions:
One Twitter user said, “Did y’all see the video of them females kissing Bow wow at Loyalty? Females scare me fr.” Another said, “if you in the club making out with Bow wow you is a sick person.”
After the backlash, Bow responded online. In his IG story, he said he “survived Scottsdale.” Take a look at a screenshot shared by the Hollywood Unlocked blog:
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Bow responded again on his IG story. Now’s taking a play from Shaggy’s playbook and said, it wasn’t him. In the post, Bow Wow said, “that was not me in that video. That was Boward.” Lil Mama chimed in and said, “I was drunk.” Joyner Lucas said, “nah man dis n*gga gotta be goin thru [something].” A fan commented under the post and said, “Boward needs to go take a rapid test or something.” Take a look at a screenshot from TSR:
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In other Bow Weezy news, he won a Billboard Award for “Best Rap Tour.” At the time, he hopped on IG Live and said,
“It’s amazing. I can’t name you one artist — you know, and I’m going to continue to be humble, I’m going to continue to work my ass off,” he said. “The word relevant don’t bother me ’cause I don’t know how n-ggas even put that word with me.”
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The post Bow Wow Responds To Video Of Him Kissing Three Women, Lil Mama Reacts appeared first on Hot97.
Celebrities are speaking out about strip club culture.
Last week, retired rapper Joe Budden called out some New York City strip clubs hiring mostly Latin women. Bronx rapper Cardi B. responded to an online user commenting on the situation. Cardi explained during her exotic dancing days; she faced discrimination for not looking Spanish enough.
Cardi B. joined the strip club convo after someone online said, “Why would anyone be shocked when the Kim K’s and Cardi B’s are being pushed as the standard for desirability amongst men in the media.”
Cardi replied, “Funny thing u say that because when I was a dancer, certain clubs wouldn’t let me work on ‘Latin nights’ cause apparently I didn’t look Spanish enough with my braids! I even spoke about strip club & colorism b4,” Cardi wrote.
Complex, points out, Brooklyn rapper K Goddess defended Cardi’s statement. K Goddess said,
“She’s definitely tellin the truth,” K said. “When she had her braids working in Lust W/ her teeth, her demeanor, & she 99% had a Tan she was a hard worker she DID NOT LOOK ‘Spanish’ yall forgettin how Cardi used to look/talk?”
Cardi responded to K Goddess and said, “Girl don’t even argue. People only want to comprehend when it’s convenient.” She continued, “People on the internet will try to tell you about your own experiences even if it’s coming from 2 people who worked at these clubs.” Take a look:
View this post on InstagramA post shared by The Neighborhood Talk (@theneighborhoodtalk)
Last week, Joe Budden called out some New York City strip clubs for only hiring a certain type of women. In an Instagram story post, the podcast host explained, “NY strip clubs, not only are you not hiring Black women, but you’re purposely hiring the SAME exact girl. Your promoter having a type is gonna lose y’all money this Summer.. this is disgusting (not the girls, the optics).”
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Why isn’t Brittney Griner back on American soil?
Over 100 days later, Brittney is still detained in Russia, and NBA players speak out. Over the weekend, Carmelo posted a petition online to have her released. In the caption, he said, “Today is the 105th day that our friend, sister, teammate, Brittney Griner has been wrongfully detained in Russia.” He continued,
“Day 105! It is time to bring her home. Let’s bring attention to this matter by sharing BG’s story and signing the petition: WeAreBG.org #WeareBG” Take a look:
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LeBron James took a public stance over the weekend and said on Twitter, “We need to come together and help do whatever we possibly can to bring BG home quickly and safely!! Our voice as athletes is stronger together.” In another message, he said, “It is imperative that the U.S. Government immediately address this human rights issue and do whatever is necessary to return Brittney home.”
We need to come together and help do whatever we possibly can to bring BG home quickly and safely!!
Our voice as athletes is stronger together. @uninterrupted
#WeAreBG pic.twitter.com/2GWV3Ff81p
— LeBron James (@KingJames) June 6, 2022
On February 17, WNBA star and two-time Olympic gold medalist Brittney was detained at a Moscow airport after Russian authorities claimed they found vape cartridges while searching her luggage. The cartridges allegedly contained oil derived from cannabis, which could carry a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison over there.
On March 17, Moscow extended Brittney’s arrest until May 19. Around this time, the U.S. State Department determined Russia “wrongfully detained” Brittney. On May 13 Brittney’s lawyer said his client’s pretrial detention in Russia was extended for one more month.
In Brittney’s hometown in Houston, Texas, ABC reports gathered outside the Toyota Center, demanding her release on June 6. Mayor Sylvester Turner deemed 6/6 “Brittney Griner Day.”
U.S. Marine Trevor Reed also advocated for Brittney’s release. He said, “I was wrongfully detained in Russia in 2019, and I was a prisoner there for 985 days.” Her family believes BG is being used as a political pawn. Biden admitted Brittney was wrongfully detained.
Hoping she’s released ASAP. We’ll keep you updated.
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