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The Alcohol Rehabilitation Center in India often has patients or known patients struggling with technology addiction and specifically the younger generation.  Are you someone who is always glued to their smartphones? Are you a technology addict who feels compelled to check their smartphone every two minutes? Today, theAlcohol Rehabilitation Center in India talks about the addiction of technology.

TheAlcohol Rehabilitation Center in India states that technology addiction is an impulse control disorder that involves obsessive use of mobile phones, the internet devices or video games, despite knowing negative consequences to the user. The disorder may also be referred to as digital addiction.

Bill Gates didn’t let his children have cell phones until they were teenagers. Steve Jobs famously didn’t let his kids use iPads or iPhones. Why would these Tech titans stop their children from using products they have created? Because they know the grim truth: Technology addiction is a very real problem.

Every machine created is to extend our facilities. We have visual capabilities so there are telescopes and microscopes. Some 20yrs before there used to be those blue box telephones to dial numbers. My Grandma states “it was such a sucking thing to spin the roll ten times to dial a number and today I just spoke out the name to dial the number and it was that easy. Technology has made things at ease, technology is like a boon.”

So the problem is not technology but our compulsive attitude towards it. Technology is just an enhancement of our capabilities, nothing more. People use gadgets compulsively i.e they use gadgets unconsciously. Once we start using phones, we don’t know when to stop.Once we start taking selfies, we don’t know when to stop clicking pictures either.We use everything so repetitively and unconsciously that we are just compulsive on using every gadget. Now they have become an addiction just like drugs.

An expert of internet says that 70% on the internet traffic is only pornography.

What has happened to us? People become addicted to whatever new thing they use. Why? When we have such phenomenal tools of communication, such as the internet, in our hands, isn’t it important that positive things overwhelm the world, rather than such negativity? Humans use things so compulsively that they forget the right way or right ethic to use it. How can anything made for our convenience have the right to make you obsessive and out of control?

If we use every gadget consciously, if we use everything for our well being and others well being, there will not be any issue. Technology is not what we need to handle. Technology is a tremendous enabler, nobody should ever complain about it. It is humans who use it exploitatively.

The Drug Rehabilitation Center in Mumbai explains why particularly teenage life? Because literally, this particular phase of life either leads you to your best version or creates tons of barriers between you & your best version. You're emotionally as unstable as the baby craving for different toys. TheDrug Rehabilitation Center in Mumbai says that during this phase, you bloom with every achievement & fall with every failure. Both motivation & demotivation come easy.

Things excite you way too easily yet you feel disinterested within a fraction of seconds. You throw tantrums without giving anything much thought. You become a chaotic yet wonderfully beautiful jumble of emotions. You feel deeply, your feelings know no bounds. You fly, you fall. You scream, you calm down. A lovely mess? Definitely yes.

Teenage life is a blend of all the seasons, you know. Your spring is your learning phase. You learn & with every lesson you blossom. Every lesson adds to your beauty & growth. And, the aura around you is as attractive as those of almond blossoms during the spring season.

Summer, ah. In the teenage phase, summer is the phase you feel most energized & active. It's as if you feel you've learned your lessons & are the master of your life. You feel like you're equipped with everything you need to deal with the cold storms life at times has to offer. You bedeck your face with a bright, warm smile & imagine a life blooming with flowers of your dreams & goals.

The Drug Rehabilitation Center in Mumbai talks about life being like an autumn season. Yet, autumn is not far. Even in this very phase. You fall. Yes, you do. But, to get up, & stand up better. Autumn teaches you that you haven't mastered life as yet & have a long, long way to go. The failures make you sober & at the same time make you realize why autumn is loved by one & all. "We fall to unleash something beautiful that's been dead inside us". And, as we age with every experience & lesson, we start admiring fall because it's fall that helps us reach our strong core. During this phase, we realize what's real golden & what's just another form of ash.

And, as autumn is going about the lessons, arrives in this teenage phase, the cold chill giving winter. While snow falls & cold winds blow, we come to the realization that our experiences enlighten us from within like light enlightens snow & snowflakes. Like snow bedecks the soul of everything, our wisdom bedecks our soul. Like snow cleanses, everything, our lesson cleanses us to look for good in everything. Like snow beautifies everything, who we choose to become beautifies us from within.

Such is teenage life. Ups. Downs. Lessons. Experiences. Beauty. Mess. Everything. Anything.

Make your teenage life worth recapping, worth cherishing. Enjoy all these beautiful seasons equally. Don't escape from even one of these. Follow the rule of nature. As they say, " Rule of nature is patience. '' Practice & absorb the power of patience.

You"ll see beautiful flowers of bliss growing in the garden of life.

The Drug Rehabilitation Center in Mumbai, today has talked deeply about the meaning and effects of stress in our human body. For early men, the biggest challenge was survival. The dangers they had to face were many- extreme weather, wild animals, hostile clansmen and so on. When faced with a given situation, the choice was either “fight” or ‘flight”. The Drug Rehabilitation Center in Mumbai states that a cocktail of hormones including adrenaline and cortisol are released into the bloodstream, preparing the body to respond to the threat and take immediate action by increasing the blood pressure, heartbeat, breathing speed, muscle tension and sharpness of the senses. These bodily changes were vital to keep oneself alive in those harsh scenarios long ago.

Thousands of years of progress has made the world a much safer place to live. The dangers that we face now are much milder in nature. However, the “fight” or “flight” response that enabled our ancestors to survive are so deeply ingrained in us that we find ourselves responding in the same manner to situations that we perceive as threatening. our bodies react in the same manner even though the challenges thrown at us are more emotional or cerebral in nature.

Thus, stress is the body’s way of responding to any demand or threat that it faces. Even as this response is helpful in facing dangerous situations, when the body starts responding in such a manner repeatedly, stress becomes harmful and causes damage to your health, career, relationships, personality and quality of life. Lets, see according to the Drug Rehabilitation Center in Mumbai, what are the various reasons for the cause of stress.

Reasons for Stress

*Academic or workplace

*Hectic schedules

*Major life changes

*Financial problems

*Family problems



*Negative self-talk


Identifying Stress

Stress itself is not easy to identify as the response to different  stressors  may seem quite natural. However, stress manifests itself in several forms. The symptoms of stress may be categorized as cognitive, emotional, physical,and behavioral symptoms.

Cognitive stress includes : problems with memory and concentration,anxious thoughts,and continuous worrying.

Emotional effects include: feeling unhappy or depressed,anxiety, irritable behavior ,loneliness,isolation, and feeling overwhelmed

physical effects include : unexplained pain, digestive problems,nausea, chest pain, increased heartbeat, and frequent illness.

Excess stress may also lead to behavioral issues such as disrupted appetite and sleep, reduced social interaction,procrastination,substance abuse,and repetitive behavior like nail biting.

Stress Management

While it is near impossible to completely avoid stressors in our life, it is possible to regulate our response to these. Thus, we can ensure that the stress that we are subject to stays within tolerable limits.

TheAlcohol Rehabilitation Center in Mumbai will talk about some of the most bought alcohols in India currently. According to the Alcohol Rehabilitation Center in Mumbai, the below mentioned names were churned down a survey. The Alcohol Rehabilitation Center in Mumbai, is strictly against the consumption of any of them. What all goes into making spirits that can make swirl and twirl with just a gulp down your throat. A cursory glance into a world full of fermentation and distillation.

Gin –The trademark for gin being a gin is the use and flavour of Juniper berry. Gin is similar to Vodka but it manifests a taste of its own. Different flavours emerge due to the use of various botanical and spices. Cinnamon, citrus peel, nuts are added to the gin recipes. It has been a base spirit for many cocktails as well. It contains 40% ABV.

Absinthe-Purported to contain hallucinogenic properties, absinthe is an anise flavoured green spirit. It is made of anise, fennel and wormwood plants. Various other recipes also add herbs and flowers to the mix. It is supposed to be twice as alcoholic as gin or vodka with an alcohol content of 45-74% by volume. It is highly alcoholic drink and the alcohol content with each brand varies. A unique style or way is followed to prepare it for drinking.


Vodka-A distilled, colourless spirit is usually made from fermented cereal grains and potatoes. It was initially used as a medicine in the medieval period. Poland was the origin and then it found a fan base in Russia. Usually it is tasteless but the flavour profiles may vary with brands. Surprisingly, some benefits of vodka include: Relief from stress, Keeps skin supple and smooth, Promotes healthy growth of hair. As far as getting tipsy is concerned, the exact count of shots cannot be specified. You may get down after one or you may not even after the fourth one.


WINE-Broadly, there prevails five categories of wine-red wine, white wine, rose wine, sparkling wine and fortified wine. A good sniff is probably a prerequisite for developing a palate for the taste of wine. Since grapes form for the key ingredient to make a wine, a lot depends on the variety of the grapes. The weather at the time of making it, the medium of storage , and the skills of a wine maker influence the taste of a wine. Great taste of a wine is usually attributed to the aging process. However, this does not hold true for all the wines and some are better drunk young. Wines can get you high if they are drunk quickly, accompanied with a high alcohol content.


Whisky -The key ingredients used for making whisky are- water, yeast and grain. The type of grain differs ( barley, rye ,corn, wheat)with the kind of whisky that is made. Malting, mashing, fermentation, distillation and maturation is a five step process, traditionally used to make a whisky. Before finally being developed into a ‘whiskey’ the prepared mixture is aged in wooden caskets made of charred white oak for some years and over the time it acquires unique flavour and characteristics. A whisky primarily categorized as grain whiskey or a malt whiskey. The usual alcohol content remains 40% ABV.

Many Alcohol Rehabilitation Center in Mumbai get questions such as is beer your go to option for a chilled and relaxed weekend? Don’t hesitate, just sip your beer and chill with your friends as there are no health hazards caused by drinking beer. The Alcohol Rehabilitation Center in Mumbai states that it is prepared using barley, hops, water, and yeast. It is one of the most popular alcoholic beverages. The cereal grains present in this alcoholic beverage are responsible for the nutritional value of beer and it is the third most popular beverage after water and tea. However, the Alcohol Rehabilitation Center in Mumbai also says that overdrinking might result in many problems so it’s up to you.

Many people think that drinking beer might give you a ‘beer belly’. It’s all a myth. The fat which deposits around our bellies is not from the alcohol, but from the food items which we consume alongside. A pint of beer contains somewhat around 200 calories, which is not a huge amount. It is a very good source of certain minerals that play essential roles in various metabolic processes. If taken in moderate quantities, it can definitely boost your health in a number of ways. Let’s have a look at some of the health benefits of beer.


Studies suggest that people who drink one beer a day are less likely to have a heart attack from those who don’t. It can get coronary heart disease risk reduced by 34%. Beer makes your heart function faster but drinking too much can cause inflammation.


It was found that, in some studies, people drinking at least one beer beverage a day saw an increase in HDL cholesterol levels by up to 11 percent. HDL stands for High Density Lipoprotein which means good cholesterol. Soluble fibers present in beer help you reduce LDL or bad cholesterol. It promotes healthy blood-sugar and blood-cholesterol levels.


Due to its high silicon content, beer may help to build stronger bones. Dietary silicon in the soluble form of orthosilicic acid (OSA) may be important for the growth and development of bone and connective tissue and help reduce the risk of osteoporosis, a bone-thinning disease.


A pint a day can help your kidneys stay healthy for longer and reduce the risk of developing kidney stones. According to a recent study, men and women who reported drinking a moderate amount of beer reduced their risk of developing a stone by 41 percent. Beers that contain a lot of hops-for example, pale ales are rich in kidney health-promoting phytochemicals.

Eggplant parmesans are always loved by all the vegetarians. Eggplants can be breaded, oil fried, stuffed with cheese, etc. but it still remains healthy. The eggplant or aubergine contains fiber and a high range of nutrients. It is a low-calorie vegetable that mainly features in the Mediterranean diet. Eggplants are one of the most common vegetables which are given in the diet schedules of many Alcohol De-Addiction Center in Mumbai. However, the dish Eggplant Parmesan is one of the most common and surprising treat foods given to the alcohol recovering addicts in the Alcohol De-Addiction Center in Mumbai. Many people have put up their question with what is stuffed inside the eggplant and is it conventionally safe for the alcohol addicts to consume it. Therefore, in aid to this intriguing question, the Alcohol De-Addiction Center in Mumbai has come to play a part.


Eggplants are great for your health and a tasty way to add vegetables to your diet. However, eggplant parmesan is conventionally loaded with oil. But, the eggplant being spongy, tends to soak up all the oil during the frying process, which could have led to a very high amount of fat and calories. Also, eggplant has a high amount of copper, potassium, vitamin C, fiber, magnesium, and many more important nutrients creating miracles.


Ingredients Used in Healthy Baked Eggplant Parmesan


A healthy baked Eggplant Parmesan can be made by using only 6 ingredients. Let’s take a look at it.



The key ingredient is of course an Eggplant which is constructively healthy for our body, as it is a great source of vitamins and minerals, improving your heart health and also helping indigestion.


       Olive Oil

Olive oil is considered to be one of the healthiest cooking oils as it is rich in healthy monounsaturated fats, contains large amounts of antioxidants, has strong anti-inflammatory properties and it also protects your body against heart diseases.



Breadcrumbs have low saturated fat and are also very low in cholesterol. It is also a rich source of Thiamin and Manganese.



Parmigiano-Reggiano or Parmesan cheese is a rich source of protein and fat. It is considered to be naturally low in fat and is free of carbs and also is lactose-free.  It also consists of a rich amount of vitamins and minerals such as Calcium, Vitamin A, B6 and B12, Zinc, Copper, and Phosphorus.



Mozzarella cheese is a rich source of calcium and minerals which are quite essential for our body. It consists of about 18% of calcium which helps in strengthening your bone structure and also strengthens your pearly whites.



Marina or Marinara sauce consists of tomatoes which mainly improves your heart health, boosts your bones, and also helps in fighting chronic diseases such as cancer.


Is Eggplant good for health?


Eggplants are filled with fiber, minerals, and phenolic antioxidant compounds which help in fighting free radicals, bad cholesterol, and inflammation. They are also considered to be useful for brain, heart, and cardiovascular health. 


Eggplants have polyphenols which protect your body from cancer. Anthocyanins and Chlorogenic acid protect the damaged cells from the free radicals and in the long term, it also helps in preventing tumor growth and the spread of cancer cells.

 Alcohol Addiction or alcohol use disorder can be described as the worst situation or the catastrophic environment that an individual is subjected to get into. Alcohol Addiction can be defined as in two words Alcohol and Addiction. Alcohol is defined as the worst as well as most popular addiction substances that are available for the people easily. Addiction is the intake or the induction of alcohol or the other related harmful substances that are subjected to a prescribed quantity, rather than if taken in excess quantities, then can harm you in the form of the addiction. The same way we can explain Alcohol use Disorder. Alcohol is a common addiction substance found in the marketplace. Use can be defined as the abuse or the use that is not considered as ethical of the alcohol, which can actively turn in the addiction. The disorder can be defined as the improper or uncontrollable use of alcohol or other harmful substances.

People who are facing the above-said problems should book an appointment as well as consult an expert from the most experienced Alcohol Rehabilitation Center in Mumbai. They are the best research centers as they are said to behave the best technologically equipped services in the form of equipment and care as well as the quality treatment provided at the center. The center is also the home for many of the medical experts’ faculty, who put their more than 100% to helping the addicts to overcome their addiction or chronic drinking habit. The faculty is said to be highly knowledgeable, dynamically talented, professionally dedicated, most experienced, and supremely motivated for the work they had taken an oath at their graduation ceremony. So, from the points mentioned above, it is clear that Drug Rehabilitation Center in Mumbai is one of the most preferred as well as a most result-yielding research center for overcoming the addiction of the alcohol as well as the other related chemically active harmful substances. So, there is a question in mind that what are signs of the alcohol addiction?

There are many signs as well as the symptoms that can be identified as the indication for the problem of the alcohol addiction, they are briefly discussed below: -

·         Loss of appetite or the people feels less hungry.

·         Depletion of the Health, i.e. getting extremely thin or fat on the other end.

·         Sleeplessness or insomnia.

·         Loss of focus as well as concentration.

·         Lack of joy in the activity that you used to enjoy in the simple and sober lifestyle.

·         Cause of many of the physical as well as mental health issues.

The above-stated issues are commonly found in alcohol addicts and are capable of catching the problem of alcohol addiction.             


Known as the city which never sleeps in India, Mumbai is known for three things: its soothing rainy season, the film industry and the dark network of drugs going on for decades. The city has seen some of the most popularized drug cases in its history and has had a relatable past with it. Consuming alcohol in excess amounts and using unprescribed drugs for entering into a relief state is a common notion and scene witnessed in the streets and suburbs of Mumbai.

Therefore, looking at the sudden rise of such incidents, several drug rehabilitation center in Mumbai have come into light. These drug rehabilitation center in Mumbai opt for several treatment processes and help the people in need by taking them out of their drug and alcohol related issues. The drug rehabilitation center in Mumbai also helps their patients by educating them about the types of drugs, their harmful effects in our body which can at times lead us towards the door of our deathbed. Thus, below are some of the alcohol and harmful drug type combinations, oftenly used by the addict, which causes harmful effects on our mind, health and surroundings? They are as follows:

      Cocaine and Alcohol: It is one of the most common combinations used among the drug users as both are very powerful and high substances produced, as cocaine is a stimulant which increases your blood pressure, alertness and your heart rate. This mainly helps the alcohol to reach the brain quicker, as also mixing cocaine with alcohol usually causes cocaethylene, which produces a feeling of intense pleasure. Other risk factors are death by overdose, heart attack etc.

      Heroin and Alcohol: These two depressants cause similar side effects and among them one depressant lowers down our breathing rate. As when you consume heroin with alcohol, the breathing problems of one can cause a life-threatening situation. It is a highly addictive kind of drug which can be proved to be difficult to quit. The consumption level of both alcohol and heroin also leads to slow heart rate due to overdose.

 Ecstasy and Alcohol: This is a stimulant which causes severe reactions when it is consumed with substances like alcohol and gives a very powerful experience, when you take it with large amounts of alcohol in just a period of time. This situation can also trigger side effects like excessive sweating, heat stroke, diarrhea, vomiting etc.


    Marijuana and Alcohol: Both of these depressants increase the chances of overdose and can cause nausea, vomiting, anxiety, paranoia, dizziness etc. Also, marijuana reduces the symptoms of nausea preventing your body from throwing up which then causes alcohol to remain in the system which acts as a poison for the body.


  Painkillers and Alcohol: Vicodin, Xanax, OxyContin etc. are some of the heavy dosed painkillers which people do consume without the permission of a prescribed document. If taken alone these painkillers cause a serious risk to your liver and if consumed together will definitely lead towards a hazardous liver disease.



However, many alcohol rehabilitation center in Pune, have their own set of treatment processes crafted individually for every addict. But, we often neglect the basic necessities required in finding the ultimate location and end up being cheated or get ignored with the real facts. Also, we ignore to learn more about the facts and details about the types of treatment programs the alcohol rehabilitation center in Pune offers. Below are some of the treatment programs explained in detail for you?

Long Term Residential Program:

The long term residential treatment usually provides a 24 hours day care giving a non-hospital type setting. Many of the alcohol rehabilitation center in Pune offer this service. With a planned length of stay between the periods of 6 to 12 months, they mainly have the treatment model of therapeutic community. These therapeutic communities focus on the resocialization program of the individual and tend to use a completely different community including the staff, residents and even the social context which are the active components of treatment.

Short Term Residential Program:

The short-term residential program does provide an intensive but relatively brief treatment which is mainly based on the 12-step approach. This program was mainly designed to treat the alcohol problems of a patient, but during the cocaine epidemic in the mid-1980s, this program began to treat the other types of substance disorders as it was convenient and efficient. The original residential treatment model mainly consisted of a 3-6 week hospital, which was based in the inpatient treatment phase, priority followed by an extended outpatient therapy and also the participation in a good self-help group like the AA.

Outpatient Treatment Program:

The outpatient treatment mainly varies in the types and intensity of the various services which they offer. Such treatments cost less than the residential or inpatient treatment options and are usually more suitable for people having jobs or being in the extensive social support groups. It therefore should also be taken into consideration that the low-intensity program may offer a little more note on drug education rather than alcohol. Other outpatient models for example the intensive day treatment is compared to the residential program in effectiveness and services which mainly depend on an individual patient’s characteristics and their needs.

Individualized Drug Counseling:

Individualized drug counseling not only focuses on reducing or stopping an illicit drug or alcohol use but it also addresses the issues mainly related to the fields of impaired functioning including illegal activity, employment status and also the social and family relations all included in the structure and content of the patient’s recovery program. Through this emphasis on the short-term behavioral goals, individualized counseling, it helps the patient develop a coping strategy and tools to abstain from the drug use and maintain abstinence.

As band aids don’t fix bullet holes, similarly only the treatment programs, or medications, or a psychiatrist cannot bring an addicted patient back to a sober life. Following all the needful treatment processes, and working in a cooperative and positive team towards the needful, success can thus, only be achieved then.

When you are considering a drug addiction treatment process, you may wonder about the expected standard day in a rehab and the activities processed there. Now, there are many types of drug abuse treatments, and accordingly there are many types of drug rehabilitation center in India.

Following the framework of therapies, these drug rehabilitation center in India are highly organized and structured with similar types of activities and therapies organized in most of the drug rehabilitation center in India. This also minimizes the stress and uncertainty among the residents and families, allowing the addict to grow and move towards the steps of happiness in a supportive and safe environment. However, the setting amenities and daily activities may vary in each of the drug rehabilitation center in India.

Routine of a typical day at a Drug Rehabilitation Center India:

Mornings: Starting the day with a healthy breakfast and an early meeting schedule, waking up late is not a part of the program. Some programs also offer morning sessions of yoga and meditation which helps the patient start a relaxed state of mind. Also, part of the treatment and recovery process centers on the belief of developing new and healthy healthy habits, intending to become a routine of the patients post-discharging life.

Afternoon-Daily Therapy: The middle of the day mainly provides the most intensive treatment sessions which is started after a healthy lunch. A series of therapeutic sessions are started. Also, in various drug rehabilitation center in India, a host speaker is also welcomed, offering to share their own hopes about their own future. At times, the speakers delve into practical issues such as rebuilding careers post treatments and therefore, simply offer to provide inspirational speeches to uplift the aspirations of these people. Some of the therapy sessions are:

●       Individual Behavioral Therapy

●       Group Therapy

●       Specialized Sessions

●       Family Therapy

Many drug rehabilitation center in India have several supplemental therapies also available, such as:

●       Art or music therapy

●       Dance therapy

●       Neurofeedback

●       Biofeedback

●       Exercise Program

Evenings-12-Step Meetings: After consuming a healthy dinner, there are usually short group sessions, which are typically around a 12-step program, which is available in the evening which is highly recommended and useful. The meetings do provide a respectful, anonymous and secure environment in which primarily fellowship is fostered, serving an important element for a long-term sobriety.

However, bedtime is always encouraged to be fixed at a reasonable hour, as a complete health schedule habits are cultivated during the program process. By receiving enough sleep, the patients have a more alert and energetic peak hour participation in all their day activities.

Spending leisure time: There are only a couple of hours free around the afternoon hours; however, it also depends upon the patient’s activity hours as well as on the resident choice. Activities such as basketball, soccer, ping-pong, volleyball, swimming at times are also offered. However, some individual’s do opt for free time journaling or reading, or some use their free time for medication and prayer.

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