The floor board

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Dec 7 '2016, 1:51 | By qizhenapp | 323 Profile Views | support user content | Comments: 0
Pay close attention to colour, wooden floor still has a main index is hardness. The floor board with taller hardness should choose when choosing a floor board, better floor quality is a few higher also, conversely, the floor quality with inferior hardness remains to consider. Some floors can be put in crack, we also should pay close attention to, a few medium, cheap floors are put in fair crack, but what we need to notice is crack do not answer too big. Between the grain that some crack produce Yu Mu material, this kind of crack won't be outspread;

But some crack are penetrable grain, this kind of crack criterion will be outspread, the use meeting after be opposite produces very big negative effect, because ten million of this kind of floor cannot be bought. Above when besides, small make up think in the choose and buy the density that we notice pair of floors even when indoor floor, plain top is worth, formaldehyde releases a quantity to have observation and knowledge, the mainest of course professional brand that still should choose to have reputation or manufacturer just is most let a person be at ease.

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