Niko Kovacs will take over as Bayern boss after the season

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Apr 13 '2018, 22:21 | By lolgavip | 385 Profile Views | support user content | Comments: 0

According to the information from the players, the current Frankfurt coach Kovacs has informed the team chairman on Thursday that he will leave the team at the end of FIFA Coins the season. It is said that the Croatians will sign the two-year contract with Bayern.

The Kovacs, 46, and Frankfurt have one year of contract. However, there is a special clause in his contract: Once Bayern and the two foreign clubs that are not yet known have issued a call to him, he will have the right to terminate the contract with a penalty of 2.2 million euros.

This means that Bayern can start a penalty for taking Kovacs to Allianz without the consent of Frankfurt.

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