Gattuso becomes the world top coach

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Mar 29 '2018, 22:30 | By lolgavip | 252 Profile Views | support user content | Comments: 0

According to the Italian media "All Markets" report, AC Milan's director Mirabelli said in an interview with RMC that Gattuso will become the world's top coach.

"I said a few months ago that I hope to see Gattuso coach Milan one day." Mirabelli said: "He is a workaholic and can provide a lot of help to those around him."

When asked if the first round of the season was Gattuso coaching Milan instead of Monterrat, what would happen? Mirabelli did not answer directly, he said: "It takes time to judge. At that time we had Montella but we did not develop as we thought. I have to say that Gattuso took over Milan and faced many difficulties. , but we believe in the quality of Gattuso."

Mirabelli said: "Gattuso is very good. He is only 40 years old. He has very good judgment. His ability to understand and manage is also very good. For me, he will become the world's top coach. ”

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