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Apr 19 '2018, 22:07 | By lolgavip | 389 Profile Views | support user content | Comments: 0

In the second round of the 2008 NBA Draft, the Chicagoers took off Madden Coins Volt who graduated from Tulane University. As the second-best running back in the history of the Bears team, Volt has delivered an impressive 8602-yard ball advancement and 4116-yard ball advancement.

After leaving the Bears at the end of the 2015-16 season, Forte kept a record of the highest total propulsion numbers in the league since 2008.

In the Bears' team history, Forte's ground propulsion yards, total number of propulsion yards (12718 yards), number of pick-ups (487), and number of yards per field (24 games) rank only in celebrities. Walter Paton, who is a member of the church, ranks second in history. At the same time, he ranked third in the history of the team with 64 total touchdowns; his total catch yardage also ranked sixth in the history of the team. In the 2014-15 season, Fuerte also created a new high for the NFL back-to-back season with 102 passes.

Forte spent the last two seasons of his personal NFL career with the New York Jets.

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