Top Useful Tips against Boredom At Home

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Nov 9 '2020, 6:38 | By alexsamuel | 613 Profile Views | support user content | Comments: 0
Top Useful Tips against Boredom At Home

Are you in voluntary self-isolation because of the coronavirus and the ceiling is slowly falling on your head? Here are our 28 best tips against boredom.


Tired of killing time with films, series and social media? Do you want a meaningful occupation that challenges you and after which you also feel the satisfaction of having achieved something? Then you are exactly right here.


Sport and exercise in general are real boredom killers and are therefore at the top of our list of tips against boredom at home. You don't feel like doing pushups and co.? Not bad. Here are other ways to be active and very casually something for your well-being to do .

1. Do a home workout

No desire or opportunity to go to the gym? No problem. Your own body weight is enough to do a hard workout at home .

2. Go for a walk

A little walk around the block makes the mind free and stimulates blood circulation. At the same time, you can also use the time and talk to someone on the phone .

3. Go jogging

If you have your circuit one more bit again bring momentum going, make a small endurance from the walk. Jogging burns loads of calories , supplies your brain with fresh oxygen , reduces stress and , by the way, also strengthens your immune system .

Tips against boredom: jogging

4. Work on your mobility

Do you sometimes feel stiff and immobile ? Then use the time at home for a mobility routine . You will see how relaxed and comfortable you feel afterwards .

5. Learn a headstand / handstand

Have you always wanted to be able to do a headstand or a handstand? Then now is the perfect time to learn it. Check out a few tutorials . Grab a yoga mat and let's go.

6. Think up a challenge

You can find loads of fun ideas for cool challenges on the internet . Just think of one yourself and challenge your friends .


You may not currently be able to meet up with your family and friends the way you would like to, but you can still do something for your social contacts. On the one hand, these tips will help you drive away boredom and, on the other hand, you will also make other people happy at the same time.

1. Get involved socially

It doesn't matter whether you're just helping the elderly couple from the neighborhood with their shopping or donating something to people who are worse off. Social engagement is not only a wonderful tip against boredom, it also makes both sides happier . 

2. Call family and friends (via Skype)

Are there people you think of often, but keep forgetting to call ? Then now is the right time . And we bet they'll be happy. By the way: It  becomes even more  personal when you  arrange  a  Skype date with your loved ones . So you can see each other and eat together, train or come up with something else.

3. Report to an old friend you haven't heard from in a long time

The same applies to old friends. If there someone out there to do you think more often, though ye have been forever no longer seen you, call him / them .

4. Support systemically relevant professions

While many of us are in the home office, doctors, nurses, police officers and many other professional groups go about their jobs every day to keep the system running. Time for a THANK YOU! That is why we at BRAINEFFECT are now giving away our exclusive SUPPORTER KIT free of charge to everyone who works in the relevant professions. Do you belong or do you know someone? Then keep sharing the good news and secure our free SUPPORTER KIT for yourself or them .

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