5 Games to Improve your Concentration in Class

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Oct 27 '2020, 6:26 | By alexsamuel | 636 Profile Views | support user content | Comments: 1
5 Games to Improve your Concentration in Class
Teachers often complain about their students' lack of concentration in class. Indeed, it is difficult for them to keep a sustained attention for a long time. Parents are also concerned about this problem, because concentration is crucial for students to learn easily. In other words, it is the key to success. So, why and how to improve your concentration ?

What is concentration?
Concentration is a psychic process that allows us to focus the resources of our mind on a single goal, while neglecting distractions that could interfere with concentration. Indeed, the pupil is easily distracted, because he perceives all the stimuli with the same degree of importance, he does not manage to give priority to a source of information (e.g. the noise of a falling rule is on an equal level with the speaking master).

Why improve her concentration?
Improving concentration allows the student to focus on a specific task over a period of time.
It makes it easier to listen in class and take notes.
Attentive children develop their skills more easily.
5 games to improve your concentration
To help children improve their concentration while having fun, here are 5 concentration games:

1. Story game
This game is all about reading stories to your kids and quitting after reading a paragraph or two. Afterwards, you ask a question about an event, a character or a place in order to test your child's concentration.

You can vary this game, asking the child to find the end or the beginning of the story as long as he keeps the general idea or the common thread of the story.

2. Number game missing
You count from 1 to 10 or 2O depending on the age of your child. And every time you skip a number, the child has to find the forgotten number. For example, you say "One, two, three, four, six," and by the time you say "six" your child should say "five". It develops his attention.

You can increase the difficulty of this game, by counting in multiples. For example, you start counting multiples of 4. And every time you skip a number, the child has to find the forgotten number. For example, you say “four, eight, twelve, sixteen, twenty four,” right now, your child should say “twenty”.

3. Game antonym
This game is ideal for developing concentration, but also for enriching your child's vocabulary. You start the game, by saying, for example (long - fast - wide… ..) And you ask your child to find his antonym. But, you have to choose these words according to the level and age of your child.

4. Word game
This game will also develop language skills and concentration at the same time.

Before starting this game, you choose areas (fruits, vegetables, clothes, sport….). First, the first child chooses an area (clothing). Then he chooses a word from this area (bathrobe). The next one must find a garment name that starts with R… the answer is Robe.

5. Tongue twisters
A tongue twister (also called tongue fork) is a string of words that are difficult to pronounce. It is a kind of pun or exercise that is useful in achieving more agile pronunciation. You can start these diction exercises as soon as they start to know how to make sentences.
Here are some examples of Tongue Twisters:

Five dogs are hunting six cats.
I am what I am and if I am what I am, what am I?
She left with uncle, your Taine and your tuna.
This severe green worm knows how to pour its green glasses.
Fish without drink is poison!
A hunter who knows how to hunt must know how to hunt without his dog.
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