Adukuli together 52 points

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Jan 11 '2017, 23:00 | By nbacoinsbuy | 359 Profile Views | support user content | Comments: 0

The first section of the play, Green first cover of the layup of Wits, followed by one-stop shot into the restricted area for the Warriors opened thenba 2k17 mt coins scoring record. But the Warriors start offensive feel smooth, Durant continuous blacksmith, when Della Zidi in this section 4 minutes left when the layup succeeded, the Heat to 20-11 lead. 5 in 0 after the vote, Durant awakened, he reached the restricted area to complete dunks, sounded the clarion call, with the Adu state warmer, Warriors attack recovery, they in the end of this section of 2 and a half minutes to play a Wave 12-2 offensive to chase the score 27 level. James - Johnson then buckle buckle library, the first section of Harding Park, the Heat to 29-27 lead.


Sub-section back, James - Johnson cut air layup, the Heat 31-27 lead. However, after that time, Green led the Warriors second team to play a wave of 13-0 offensive, Livingston hit a jumper, the Warriors to 40-31 lead. Heat toughness full, Whiteside buy nba 2k17 mt coins continuous labeled in the basket to help the team will be close difference, Taylor - Johnson in this section left 1 minute 25 seconds soared in the third, the Heat 49-48 go-ahead score. In the ensuing time, the formation of confrontation between the two teams, West 1.3 seconds before the end of this section sent a cross-field pass, Greene made two free throws after the foul, halftime, the Warriors to 53-54 behind.

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