Pelican wins the Knicks

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Jan 10 '2017, 1:58 | By nbacoinsbuy | 360 Profile Views | support user content | Comments: 0

After the opening of the home team buy nba 2k17 mt coins a good situation, Mike hit third, they lead to 12-5, Hilde Biao in the long-range, Davis storm succeeded to stop bleeding for the team. The two sides then entered the tug of war, the score alternately rise, NOAA layup, Hilde and then in the long-range, pelican go-ahead. Anthony the first section of the state is good, but the thick eyebrow is obviously more popular. The first section before the end of the melon to complete the 2 +1 attack, the score freeze in 26-29, the Knicks behind.


Mo Younasi debut after a good performance, outside shot in the third, here Jennings continuous Biao in the long-range, 41-42. Davis then began a brutal insider rule, with 6 points led the team to play 8-0 impact. Bolt Zigis made two free throws, Anthony bottom line jumper, but Huo Le Di then a long shot in mind. Halftime, the pelican has control of the situation on the field, even though the last moment Jennings horse riding a raid layup, the visiting team is still 60-51 hand 9 points ahead.


Easy to fight the Knicks play the more bad, on the contrary obvious advantages of the pelican side, Davis jumper to hit the bottom line, Cunningham Biao in the third, 79-61. Anthony because want to whistle rage, challenge the referee,cheap nba 2k17 mt coins the results were sent to eat 2T sent off, followed by Okuyin also due to violent foul, was blowing two malicious foul, was also ejected. Less than 2 minutes with two players were punished, for the dying Knicks can be described as worse. After three kicks, pelicans to 91-66 far ahead, the basic lock victory.

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