dudu's blog

You also won’t have BNS items the standard Dragonblood to use to resurrect, although your other party members can still always resurrect you directly (if they’re still alive). Of course for the greatly increased challenge come increased rewards—including the boss’ own weapon as a drop, and exclusive outfits and accessories.


E. Fleet Supply Chain 24-Player (Easiest Difficulty)


The 24-player version of Blackram Supply Chain is called the E. Fleet Supply Chain, and BNS items must be entered directly from the instance portal. 24-player versions of dungeons allow multiple groups of players to enter at the same time to conquer constantly respawning enemies and bosses. 

You can’t use the Cross Server Dungeon BNS items finder to join a 24-player dungeon, and instead will want to look for others using the Party Finder, or for people gathering at the entrance to the instance.

While the overall difficulty is well balanced for www.bnsgold.co a full group of six players, it is possible to try to tackle it with fewer than that, and for an equally greater challenge. Rewards you can gain from the 6-player dungeons include Soul Shields and accessories, a chance at chests that contain weapons, and various crafting materials.


Blackram Supply Chain 4-Player (Hard Difficulty)


The 4-player version of a dungeon is the max-level version, and offers greatly increased bnsgold.co difficulty. Not only are enemies doing more damage, but you won’t see any attack telegraphs (you’ll need to memorize their animations), and you won’t receive any ability suggestions or dodge timers. 

Bosses may also have additional abilities or different attack patterns, as well as increased health and reduced enrage timers (the amount of time before their damage is bnsgold.co increased to instantly lethal levels). 

Blackram/E. Fleet Supply buy Blade and Soul items Chain Bosses

Blackram Supply Chain 6-Player (Normal Difficulty)

6-player dungeons are the standard dungeons that the vast majority of players will experience through their adventures to reach max level. They offer group content that requires a modest amount of coordination and buy Blade and Soul items group composition, and are most commonly entered through use of the automated Cross Server Dungeon finder.


In the 6-player version you’ll see reduced damage from enemies, damage indicators (also referred to as telegraphs) from enemies indicating where they’ll buy Blade and Soul items attack, suggestions on how to avoid damage, and you’ll have a timer that will show when to best execute a successful dodge out of an attack. 

You can also use Dragonblood which is obtained from shrines in the dungeon that will return you to full health if you were to buy Blade and Soul items take enough damage to kill you.

While the Southern Continent is the territory of Blade and Soul gold the charismatic Captain Gwon, the waters of the Eastern Continent serve as the home base to the East Fleet led by its bombastic Admiral, Hae Mujin. But the Admiral is a man who wanders the seas for his own reasons, often leaving behind the fleet in the capable hands of the single most terrifying pirate Blade and Soul gold the world has known.


Despite her youth and arguably childish nature, Vice Admiral Poharan is infamous across the Earthen Realm as the de facto leader of the Blackram. A bevy of powerful, loyal warriors serve as Blade and Soul gold her generals and caretakers alike. Her idea of cuddly pets is the pair of massive, blood-thirsty Saberfangs—Lily and Rose—who accompany her wherever she goes. To top it all off, the pint-sized Marauder totes around a devastating minigun and powerful explosives to wreak havoc on any who dare challenge her.


As Admiral Hae Mujin’s granddaughter and Blade and Soul gold the overseer of the Blackram Supply Chain, Poharan stands as the biggest (yet littlest) threat the region has ever faced. It’s up to the brave warriors of the land to infiltrate the Blackram’s home base and break their grip on the Eastern Continent. But many Blade and Soul gold have tried and, so far, all have fallen before Poharan’s gleeful assault.

In addition to the Double Agent achievement, every buy BNS gold person in the group, after completing both sets, will have 2,000/10,000 player kills. This will not only allow them to purchase the veil that hides your name/guild at the misteye woods faction vendor after 1,000 faction kills, but will also give them 250 pierce from completing 1,000 kills.


There are also achievements for dying 1,000 times, rezzing people 1,000 times, and helping someone meditate 1,000 times. This will get you pretty far along in those achievements as well.


As far as making things "stupid and dull" I disagree. I just want to get this particular achievement out of buy BNS gold the way so that I don't have to suffer the negative effects of changing factions later.

Blackram Supply Chain

Infiltrate the Blackram’s home base and break their grip on the Eastern Continent.

The Blackram Marauders have been a buy BNS gold curse upon the Earthen Realm for generations, using their mastery of the sea to freely terrorize both the Stratus and Talus empires alike. 

It will take some time, but it is BNS gold possible. The more people there are, the faster it will be completed.


The reason I am doing this is because I value achievement completion. However, there is a massive downside to this particular achievement in that, whenever you switch factions you lose all progression in your BNS gold faction rank and you will have to leave your guild. Not only that, but you will have to wait 7 days before you can switch back to a faction you have left. That's 7 days you can't be in your actual guild.


The purpose of starting on the opposite BNS gold faction is that I can do my 1,000 kills and then switch to my preferred faction without having truly lost anything important. I can do the kills, switch to my preferred faction immediately and start helping out my guild.


The benefit of trading them in a party is that you can resurrect the people much faster after you down them. This will speed up BNS gold the entire process greatly.

Looking for players willing to Blade and Soul gold website trade 1,000 faction kills for the Double Agent title

I and some friends, are looking for players willing to trade 1,000 faction kills for the Double Agent title. We are part of a Cerulean guild, but will be starting the game as Crimson so that we can avoid the waiting period if we started as Cerulean, switched to Crimson, and then tried to switch back to Cerulean. Also, we believe it is best to do Blade and Soul gold website this particular achievement ASAP because it will reset your faction rank upon switching factions.


This will be at an agreed upon time after we reach 45, though others are free to join at any level they wish. So far there are 3 of us and we'll open this up to 9 other people. The benefit of Blade and Soul gold website doing it in a party of 6 is that each kill will be credited to everyone in the party.

Server: Mushin


Slot 1-A: Crimson

Slot 2-A: Crimson

Slot 3-A: Crimson

Slot 4-A: Crimson

Slot 5-A: Crimson

Slot 6-A: Crimson


Slot 1-B: Cerulean

Slot 2-B: Cerulean

Slot 3-B: Cerulean

Slot 4-B: Cerulean

Slot 5-B: Open

Slot 6-B: Open

So my question is, are Blade and Soul gold site there "meta" comps in 3v3s in BnS? Is it disadvantageous to overlap classes? Basically what I want to know is, lets say (hypothetically) my 2 friends and I all roll the same class. Can we make it to the highest of ranks just as easy as someone playing 3 different classes?


Great group comp for sure, not saying other 3's teams cannot be just as good, it really Blade and Soul gold site has a lot to do with knowledge of the enemy classes, and predicting whats about to happen. 3v3 is a major mind game, and you have to guess what they are about to do, and figure when they will attempt to tag in.


I also love 1 Destroyer frontman, and 2 summoners, or vice versa. Comps i can say i don't think are good, are classes that don't have high tag in dps for 5 seconds; in my Blade and Soul gold site opinion the worse classes for that are, blade master, and assassin, and somewhat KFM, by no means am i saying they are terrible at tapping in to DPS or save, they can be effective, but nothing like a LBM or Destroyer, or FM and summoner. Those have some amazing 100-0 in 5 seconds, as well as protection vs Stun and Blade and Soul gold site Crowd control for those 5 seconds.

Your character name isn't BNS gold guaranteed to be available as other players will be registering names at the same time. It's recommended to try reserving your character name as soon as possible. Knowing which server you want to play on, your race and class, as well as character appearance options can all help reduce the time needed to secure a name. Also be aware that your Disciple or Master Founder's Packs come with either one or two Character Alteration Vouchers BNS gold that you can use to change the appearance of your character later once Head Start begins.


You only have a few days left to purchase a Founder's Pack and get in on Name Reservation and Head Start, get a stockpile of in-game NCoin currency, and receive rare BNS gold boosts and bonuses—as well as costumes and weapon looks that will never be available again.

3v3 Question in Blade & Soul

I have never played this game. I only really started looking into it maybe 5 days ago because I saw the release date is really soon. Anyway, PvP has always been my thing, and although 1v1 arena is where most of my focus will go, I also really want to play 3v3s with my 2 friends. However, it seems like there's not that much talk about 3v3 and its more of BNS gold a "for fun" thing. Almost like 5v5s in WoW.

Name Reservation for Disciple and buy Blade and Soul gold Master Founder's Pack owners begins 11, at 7pm CET for the Blade and Soul's European servers, and 6pm PST for North American servers. When Name Reservation begins you'll be allowed to log in, and servers for your region will be available to create characters on. Please be aware of which region buy Blade and Soul gold you're logging in to from the drop down on the launcher.


If you participated in any of the Closed Beta weekends, you'll need to reinstall the game before Name Reservation. While it's not necessary to uninstall any buy Blade and Soul gold previous clients, it is recommended. You can download the Blade & Soul launch client here.


If you own a Disciple Founder's Pack you'll be able to log in, select a server, and create one (1) character in your region. The character will remain there until you're able to begin playing at Head Start on January 15. If you own a Master Founder's pack you'll be able to create two (2) characters, and reserve two character names. Be buy Blade and Soul gold aware that Initiate Founder's Pack owners will not be able to reserve a character name, but it is still possible to upgrade to a Disciple or Master pack.




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