Sleeve Boxes- A Unique Style for Product Packaging

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Jul 7 '2020, 3:18 | By retailpackaging | 684 Profile Views | support user content | Comments: 0
Sleeve Boxes- A Unique Style for Product Packaging

In all the industries where product is packed to provide protection and good outlook to the product, the quality always matters. As people see the packaging before the product inside it, nobody likes to have unappealing boxes for their merchandise. This is why the uniqueness in packaging is always desirable for which manufacturers do a lot of research and hard work. When we talk unique packaging, Sleeve Boxesis among the top of the list. These boxes are creatively designed and have a very special opening and closing style. A very common example of sleeve style box is the match box which is used in churches, home and at the restaurants. Various products that are packed in sleeve packaging are as follows.

Pack bakery items in sleeve packaging

Number of confectioners uses their boxes to attract customers on their bakery. Small bakery items look more delicious and tasty when displayed with good presentation. Sleeve and tray boxes help the bakery owners to make their product stand out. Whether the products are retail or already baked, these boxes can accommodate anything. The sliding sleeve protects the products from getting contaminated and preserves their taste. For food packaging, it is important to meet the right packaging standards in order to win the trust of the customers on the product. Sleeve style box provides all what is required to keep the customer interest on the product and on its packaging.

Bakery items must have colorful packaging to invite more and more customers to their store. Especially when it is about the products that are used in events like pastries, cakes, donuts and pie, then colorful outlook is necessary. By using custom printed sleeve and tray boxes, you can easily make a good impression on your customers. The reason behind is their ability to customize and custom printing on it. The printed logo help the manufacturer to advertise and market their company, whereas the appealing and vibrant design makes the product decorative on the events like birthdays, Christmas, Easter and new year. Hence these packaging boxes can bring a great deal of difference in the product outlook.

Gift packaging in custom printed sleeve box

Gifts needs high quality packaging that can adore the recipient and make him/her feel special. Perfumes, make up kits, shaving sets, candies, chocolates are some common gift items that are used for gift giving. Vape and perfumes are given as gifts to the friends in sleeve style boxes that look amazing and wonderful when organized in a sleeve cardboard box. Furthermore, stationary product like pen is also packed in these boxes to make a good impression. The printing on these gift boxes work like icing on the cake and gives an unforgettable vibe to your presents. Plus, the unique opening and closing mechanism is a plus which can always be the reason of making a product special in the eyes of recipient.

Sleeve style box can also be made with rigid material which is a sign of luxury and elegance. The tray and sleeve are made from rigid cardboard that is heavy and perfect for gift packaging. Perfumes bottles and Vape accessories can be easily placed inside the rigid tray which looks extraordinary when presented as a gift. Rigid packaging is usually black but it can be printed with the name of the gift recipient if required. These boxes can be a wonderful source of packaging for business gifts because if you are going to present a gift to your boss then your gift must have expensive and special packaging. Rigid material has all those qualities to reflect the top quality of packaging.

Promotional packaging in sleeve and tray design

The sleeve packaging design is very attractive and for new businesses and start-ups it can help in a great deal. Especially when a brand wants to promote its product in the market, they can use sleeve packaging boxes to attain the customer’s attention. This is why a number of manufacturers that are making their way in the market by launching their retail product can promote themselves using sleeve style boxes. They will be noticed immediately by the customers on the retail stores and will make a captivating impact on the customers.

Cardboard die-cut sleeves for retail products

Apart from sleeve and tray design, you can also use simple sleeves for branding and marketing of retail items. Especially if you sell liquid soap, instead of making large size
Soap Boxes, you can just make use of printed sleeves with your logo and company name written on it. They will work as a communicating tool with your customers and will invite more and more customers to your product. They can be made from cardboard as well as from Kraft according to the need of the manufacturer. In the food & beverage industry, they are extensively used by famous brands for promotional purposes.

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