Even tighter situation to Fifa Coins

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Jan 18 '2017, 22:30 | By Michelle | 445 Profile Views | support user content | Comments: 1

Dribbling and skill moves are a vital part of Fifa Coins being a world beater on FIFA. Don't get it twisted though: constantly spamming skills just to show off is not productive and hardly ever gets you anywhere. Instead, work on skill moves that you can easily replicate and use them in specific situations where they'll be much more helpful.

Use LT while visiting a tight situation to turn far from your opponent. Instead of sprints everywhere, control your drible to keep the ball regarding longer.

Use LB in a even tighter situation to quit the ball and make the actual touches possible. This will allow one to control every move your current player makes, in turn letting you twist and turn away out of your marker. http://www.imfifa.co


Tags: fifa coins
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