a kind of completely healthy balanced diet as cla safflower oil it will help prevent diseases
such as overweight, hypertension, diabetes or osteoporosis. In addition to
this, a balanced diet allows the person continues to have a better quality of
life with all that that entails. - A fundamental characteristic of the balanced
diet is the consumption in lots of fruits and vegetables, which must be daily.
It must also be present vegetal oil, but do not forget to avoid animal fats. -
It is advisable to know that in the balanced diet, preference should be white
meat rich in important minerals such as iron and zinc. - Consume oily fish rich
in omega 3 fatty acids such as salmon or sardines is a maximum of balanced diet
and limit your intake of sugar and salt or the importance of taking dairy
products because they provide the protein body quality and calcium. With this
type of diet will get provide all the nutrients your body needs for .