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Apr 6 '2016, 22:50 | By louisewing | 274 Profile Views | support user content | Comments: 0

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cheap fifa coinsIk ben best wel een fanatiek gamer. Dat niet alleen ik houd er ook nogal een eigenaardige gamefilosofie op na. Ik vind bijvoorbeeld dat je in een role playing game ook altijd in character moet blijven en dus niet als een elven ranger in een bos opeens met een toverstaf moet gaan zwaaien (dat doen rangers niet). SubscriptionsGo to the Subscriptions Centre buy fifa 16 coins to manage your:My ProfileThe most powerful man in football called goal line technology a "necessity" Wednesday only hours after Ukraine was denied what appeared to be a legitimate goal in its must win match against England at the European championship."After last night's match GLT is no longer an alternative but a necessity," FIFA President Sepp Blatter wrote on Twitter.Marko Devic's shot in the 62nd minute of Tuesday's match looped up off England goalkeeper Joe Hart buy fifa 16 coins and appeared to cross the goal line before it was cleared away by defender John Terry. The official standing near the post didn't signal for a goal leaving the referee no option but to play on.If the goal had been awarded Ukraine would have pulled even at 1 1. But the co hosts instead lost 1 0 a result that eliminated the team cheap fifa 16 coins from the tournament.Ukraine's players complained furiously coach Oleg Blokhin raged on the touchline and Twitter was quickly awash with indignation reaction and opinion on goal line technology.The high profile incident only added to the seemingly unstoppable momentum behind providing referees with high tech aids to make accurate decisions.UEFA is using Euro 2012 to trial the five fut 16 coins official system of a referee two linesmen and two additional assistants beside the goal.

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