Why You Should Be Careful When Writing Notes

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Sep 23 '2016, 1:09 | By onlinewrittenpaper | 194 Profile Views | support user content | Comments: 0

The main rule when writing notes in class is to pay serious attention to your professor or teaching assistant. Avoid the idea that you can get essay service online to work on your notes and understand that writing them personally will give you a great chance to excel in your studies.


Unlike back in high school where teachers mostly used the dictation method to help you keep up with the pace of their talking, you will have to be attentive and grasp most of the content from the lecture. You however shouldn’t write everything that comes from the lecture. A good technique is to do some reading on the topic prior to attending the class. In that case you will know the right content to summarize in your notes. It will make your revision easy and enjoyable.


Organize the notes well so as to make the search for information that you may need easy when you are revising. It’s a simple activity where you start by writing the course and topic name. Date your notes too. It makes it easy to go to specific area of information. Practice chronological filing. You can try different notes writing techniques to get the best that works for you. You will certainly know it when your feedback comes through your performance, reflected by your grades.

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