Whenever you leave the ARK servers

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Apr 4 '2018, 22:36 | By xingwang | 272 Profile Views | support user content | Comments: 0

Whenever you leave the ARK servers: Survival Evolved, your body will remain exactly where you left off, susceptible to attack by predators and, if you are on a PvP server, from other players. As such, a secure base is an absolute necessity if you do not want to reconnect to discover that you have become a sad-faced corpse, stripped of your hard earned booty.

In order to build your first base, you will have to understand the basic concepts of ARK Items leveling and Engrams, the collection of resources and the elaboration, and you must have gathered at least a couple of simple tools - ideally, an ax and pick. You can also take a look at our post of Best Places to Make a House in Ark Survival Evolved.

On PC, Xbox One and PS4, Ark: Survival Evolved has already sold several million copies. Now it wants to continue in the mobile market. The developer Wildcard announced that they are working together with developer War Drum Studios to bring the "whole" game to mobile devices.To start, many MMO friends will probably try the mobile game because it's free-to-play. That's surprising, because the PC version costs at least a proud € 60. Probably the game will then be financed by microtransactions, as you already know from other F2P games.

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