Système Délivrance What exactly does physical health and well being mean to you? Have you ever stopped to think about it? How do you know when you are healthy, and how do you know when you could be doing better with your health? I cannot tell you. That definition is up to you. For instance, when I experienced a brain injury back in the 1990s, I remember sitting there thinking, "I may never get better. This may be what it's all about - and I have to spend the rest of my life knowing all of the things I lost, knowing the limitations, and choosing to create a new life for myself in this altered state." I chose to accept my new way of being and to go on from there.
I did not give up on getting better. I accepted my life as it looked then rather than fight it. And I pursued alternative care because I no way bought into the paradigm of the doctors who said, "This is as good as it gets. Learn to live with it."Physical health is not always about being in a perfect state, especially if you compare yourself to how you used to be, or to somebody else, and most especially if you compare yourself to the models that you see on TV, in the magazines, in the newspapers, and in the movies. Those people may or may not be real in who they are or how they appear to be. Sometimes they will get to be a certain shape just while they make the movie. But that is not how they really are.
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