The uses of Blockchain technology in the healthcare sector mainly revolve around data management. Due to the nature of the technology, it can help improve the entire healthcare IT industry, as well as facilitate faster access to data and interoperability on a universal scale.
Use Of
Health Data And How They Can Benefit From The Blockchain
The main directions in which Blockchain and healthcare go
together focus on health data and how distributed ledger technology can be
useful and produce significant benefits for the industry. Let's take a look at
some weaknesses plaguing the industry and see how Blockchain can come to the
Patient medical records may vary from facility to facility.
Each time a patient enters a new clinic, a medical card is created for that
patient and kept in a specific facility. This data is usually incomplete in the
public eye and is filled with information recorded by caregivers at the
facility in question. This means that medical professionals from other
facilities have to create new patient data sheets. Quite often, the new
information added is redundant, which leads to a waste of time, which is a
critical incident when it comes to healthcare. It is also important to note
that specific doctors need specific data in most cases.
Blockchain and healthcare can easily band around data
management problems. The technology can create accessible and identical
Blockchain health records around the world. Patients could always have access
to their medical records and treatments when needed, as did doctors. Using the
Blockchain for medical records is closer than it seems.
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Clinical tests
In the healthcare sector, clinical trials are carried out to
determine the effectiveness of certain treatments, with the ultimate goal of
curing or providing a partial remedy for a certain disease. During these
studies, researchers record and archive data on test results, individual
statistics, patient reports, and other factors. A clinical trial can produce a
lot of data, which can be quite difficult to track. Furthermore, this data can
be stolen, damaged, hidden or, as mentioned before, erased by a natural
disaster. Furthermore, it is not uncommon for researchers to confuse the data here
and there to prove a point.
This is where Blockchain and healthcare play well: through
the use of technology, the true authenticity of any document can be confirmed.
As you already know, the data within a Blockchain is immutable, which means
there is no room for joking. Therefore, data recorded during clinical trial
processes can always be approved for authenticity, while researchers,
pharmaceutical companies and regulators can be confident in the accuracy of the
data. Blockchain technology could introduce greater transparency and
accountability into clinical trials. The same is true for every aspect of the
healthcare sector.
Traceability of drugs
Misuse and counterfeiting are huge problems. Companies
involved in the healthcare sector risk losing colossal funds to counterfeit
drugs. These fake drugs can also kill patients. Overuse of prescription drugs
is also a big problem.
In Blockchain and healthcare, the data is immutable, so it
becomes quite easy to distinguish fraudulent activities and, therefore, real
prescriptions from fake ones, as well as the source of the drugs. New
Blockchain technologies enable efficient monitoring within a supply chain and
easy monitoring of drugs and prescriptions. Healthcare Blockchain companies
like MediLedger and BlockMedx are working to tackle fake drugs. In addition to
improving drug supply chain processes, the technology offered by drugs is also
available to underdeveloped nations.
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Monitoring of the flow
of services
There are quite a few problems when it comes to the flow of
services in the healthcare sector, particularly insurance and medical fraud,
complaints and donations. Insurance fraud can run into billions of dollars.
Medical fraud, such as under-treatment or over-treatment, can claim victims and
even kill billions. Donations to medical campaigns can fall into the wrong
hands and are often covered with a blanket of poor transparency. The
inefficient way health data is currently stored leads to substantial losses of
funds trying to understand treatments provided, care received, by whom and
Blockchain technology to the rescue. All events can be
evaluated for authenticity, from claims for compensation to assistance
provided. There is even a Blockchain startup, called Alice, which is working
towards greater transparency for charitable acts. This can go a long way in
improving the health sector.
Complex data transmitted in the healthcare field can cause
both intentional and unintended financial setbacks. Billing fraud has become
quite a serious problem. Current field processes are inadequate for detecting
fraud cases. Blockchain in the healthcare industry today can go miles to
improve the verifiability and security of billing, while also promoting payment
processing and billing efficiency, and fighting blatant theft.
IoT in healthcare
Occupancy of beds in emergency rooms, remote and accurate
monitoring of health, inventory, patients, personnel and availability of
medical devices: the tracking of the aforementioned items can be improved
thanks to the use of Blockchain in the healthcare and IoT sectors.
As is evident, there are many benefits of Blockchain in the
healthcare sector. The trust provided by a Blockchain would allow medical care
providers to be confident that medical devices are available when needed.
Doctors would also have more time to track patients and respond to distant
health-related events. Monitoring of temperatures inside patient rooms, bed
usage and availability of supplies can be improved by intertwining Blockchain
and healthcare.
There are many benefits to be gained from implementing
Blockchain technology in the healthcare sector. With Blockchain technology
gaining ground in the headlines over the past few years, there are many leading
Blockchain companies involved in healthcare. There are probably more use cases
for Blockchain in the healthcare industry than I thought.
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