Transport Manual Wheelchairs with Folding and Rigid Frames

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Mar 4 '2020, 5:30 | By affordablemedicalusa | 610 Profile Views | support user content | Comments: 0

If you are using transport manual wheelchairs, you must have heard that some wheelchairs feature a folding frame whereas some have a rigid one. Do you know the basic differences between the two? If no, this brief guide will help you.

The frame of a wheelchair affects its functionality to a significant level. Some wheelchairs are made from the steel material. They are heavy duty power wheelchairs but cheapest when it comes to cost factor. Some wheelchairs are light in weight but heavy on pockets. These wheelchairs support construction with lightweight frames like aluminum, carbon and titanium. Some are equipped with larger wheels and some with smaller ones. A wheelchair with smaller wheels is ideal to use on pavements and indoors and larger wheels offer a comfortable ride on bumpy roads.

Folding Frame: Folding frames support construction from materials like titanium or aluminum. The wheelchair is easy to fold with the release of a locking mechanism. For easy folding, even footrests need to be removed. These chairs are light in weight and require high maintenance. Ideal for transportation and storage in small spaces, transport manual wheelchairs with a folding frame are expensive.

Rigid Frame: A wheelchair with a rigid frame supports single welded construction with or without fixed backrest. Unlike folding frames, the wheels of these wheelchairs are easy to remove for facilitating easy storage and transportation. Because these wheelchairs have a few moving parts, they are more durable than folding frames’ wheelchairs. They are easy to handle, operate and are less expensive also.

A limited mobility person can purchase any frame after evaluating his own requirements. Before purchasing them, it is necessary to weigh factors like the weight of a chair, kind of seat and wheel size.  There are many companies in America that offer high-quality transport manual wheelchairs on affordable rental prices. So, visit their stores or warehouses, check the model that meets your requirements and take them on rent.


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