Supporting Various OS to Windows

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Nov 12 '2021, 14:24 | By Mofosys01 | 541 Profile Views | support user content | Comments: 0
Supporting Various OS to Windows

Often we talk about Windows Shared Hosting and all about the detailed aspects of Windows Shared Hosting. As we are familiar with the working of Windows Shared Hosting let's talk more about a different field in relation to Windows. We all work on computers and laptops and we also know that these machines use software known as an operating system to carry out the tasks given by users. OS can be basically defined as software that allows a user to run other applications on a computing device. The most famous and widely used OS these days is Windows 10. But very few of us know that there are even better OS available that would be a good alternative to Windows 10.


We all are familiar with mac os and mac os is one of most used OS after windows. It's a OS release and used on Apple pc's.The look and feel of this os is totally different from that of windows but yet it looks pretty cool and clean. Mac OS can be said to be a cleaner, stable OS than windows as software crashes are very rare in this OS. This OS is basically used for corporate people but still it supports games. But again for games windows is the boss here. Mac Os is not easily available for all devices and is officially provided by Apple only, so if you want to enjoy and experience macOS then buy it from Apple.


Ubuntu is also one of the most used OS by the developers and coders and it is a free and open sourcing OS. Ubuntu was developed by Canonical foundations and ubuntu community in 2004 and was uploaded on the internet for more development as its source code was available so people can change its source code and can upgrade this OS and reupload it. It's easy to set up even for novice users and includes an app store with thousands of popular programs.

Elementary OS

The third OS in our list is elementary OS because it resembles both Ubuntu and macOS. Elementary OS is a mixed blend of Ubuntu and macOS as it looks like mac and is based on Ubuntu. It was developed by elementary LLC in 2011 and has its own applications but still as compared to the above OS, this OS has less support so it has less apps. A web browser, an email client , a calendar. It is very easy to use but seems a bit rudimentary as compared to established operating systems like windows and macOS. Just like Ubuntu, you can try it out before actually installing it.


Fedora is a popular operating system based on Linux and was developed by the Fedora project in 2003. It is a new OS in the market which is free of cost, the same as Ubuntu. The speciality of this OS is that it integrates new technologies quicker than other Linux distributions. Fedora comes with a wide range of open source preinstalled and while it's main focus is free software, it does allow the installation of third-party applications. It can be run and experienced in the same way as Ubuntu without installing and is mainly used by software developers and coders as It gives the feel of Ubuntu.




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