Facebook has always been known for its user-friendly nature. You can consider this feature as the most positive point for its billions of users that they can get every information and steps to perform any task with the best of its ease but still if you are getting any kind of Facebook issue, no need to hesitate and call us at +1-855-777-5686 facebook helpline number to get the best help 24*7 by our tech experts. In this post you will know everything about Facebook log-in stolen password with some tips you can always keep in your mind.
1. Something that you should take care of:Yes, there are basic points that should be in your mind while you are logging in to your Account and some of them are:
Never use your Facebook password anywhere else online
You should be the only one who knows password
Remember not to include your names and common words related to your life as Password
Make sure that your associated email is safe
Make a habit to log out your Account from the devices that you would share with other peoples
Think at least twice before clicking on any link or while download any new App
2. Clone Facebook passwords: Facebook account hacking is the most common thing that can ever happen to any of its user. Spammers used to try numerous ways to hack an account and many of them done this successfully. Hackers are using Phishing technique nowadays very well which is a technique for hacking anyone’s account. In this technique of Hacking you will be getting a link on your mail ID asking you for your account details and once you filled up the required data, their servers store your information. The site on which you clicked would be almost same as their targeted website.
3. Websites started integrating Facebook: By moving down in the list, the threats are becoming a little more advanced. With the publicity of Facebook, it is becomes ever more popular websites, blogs and many more large businesses.
4. Devices on which you logged in: There is another area of security concern which is third party applications because they have the ability to pull your data and post that on Facebook account. Beware while you logged in at any devices as it will lead to hacking immediately and you do not even remember the number of devices you logged in.
5. Fake Pop-Up ads on Facebook: Another common issue faced by users nowadays is popping up in the look of a chat Ad which is totally fake; people are using fake chats as a trick which leads to phishing (mentioned above). It is like trying to fake users by some random peoples. Once you clicked on that chat window, probably it will take you to a phishing page and causes hacking.
All these tactics are using in bulk by hackers today’s era of Digitalization. Hope this post will help you to prevent your Account by Hacking. Another recommendation for you is while using any third party app; try to check about its previous user’s experience.
Referred link: http://thefairpages.com/user-profile/blog-post.aspx?user=pamela-hart&article=news-feed-facebook-most-recent
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