New CSGO Update Fixes Hit Registry with Pixel Perfect Positioning

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Sep 12 '2016, 0:24 | By 4csgoskins | 346 Profile Views | support user content | Comments: 0
Counter-strike: Global Offensive cs go skins quality will be receiving an update soon regarding player viewmodels and enemy perspective on landing and crouching.

The game received an update on August 18 which introduced the Gamma 2 case along with several pistol sound changes.

Unlike the previous, smaller update the amount of changes in the latest are plenty. With this update, hit registry will definitely be affected as player model positions should be corrected upon implementation.

    If for any reason the third-person player animation lowers a player’s head beneath the client’s first-person camera, the client’s first-person camera is lowered to stay at or under the height of their third-person head. This means that the third-person motion of the player is now represented more accurately from the first-person perspective.

This means no more failed hits to the side of the head.

    The first-person camera of players, spectators,Buy CS GO Skins and demo-viewers is no longer allowed to rise higher than their third-person head. This should prevent first-person players from being able to see from perspectives where their third-person head is not also exposed.

Valve is speaking more to the landing animations players have and what the enemy sees.

When landing, players heads will normally dip down lower than normal — often behind cover. For the player that just landed, their view will be above the cover with nothing blocking their line of sight.

In short, it's a massive advantage to the jump-peeking player.

What's more the crouching animation speed should be more closely synced.

Hopefully these changes will decrease the sheer amount of players getting "CSGO'd".

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