Natural Aids for Broken Bone Recovery

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Sep 11 '2020, 1:32 | By Showboe | 341 Profile Views | support user content | Comments: 0
Natural Aids for Broken Bone Recovery

Not long ago one of our kids broke her leg while playing outside. Luckily, she recovered quickly and was back on her feet in just four weeks. I believe that the natural broken bone remedies that we used helped her leg get better as quickly as possible. How Do Fractures Happen? Bone breaks or fractures 

occur when the bone can’t sustain the force that is put on it. In some cases, the force (like falling out of a tree) is too much for a healthy bone to handle. In other cases, the force is not quite as strong, but the bone is weakened, causing a break anyway. Weak bones occur most frequently in elderly people or those with osteoporosis.

Can Bone Breaks Be Prevented?

Aside from avoiding high-risk activities, there isn’t a way to avoid getting a broken bone due to excess force on the bone. For instance, you won’t know if you’re about to get into a car accident. However, it is possible to reduce the chances of breaking a bone by making sure the bones are as healthy and strong as they can be.

What Healthy Bones Need

The bones in the body are continuously breaking down and building back up — a process called remodeling. This is how bones grow in children and also how bones mend when there is a break. In order to rebuild, the bones need calcium. If there is not enough calcium intake (or absorption) the bones become brittle. 

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