How to Enter Settings Mode in Yahoo Mobile Mail

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Apr 19 '2018, 1:30 | By yahoosupport4 | 343 Profile Views | support user content | Comments: 0

We are in the technology world where everything is hi-tech and everyone is looking for sophisticated technology-based products and services. There are several email service providers from across the world, but Yahoo can be known as one of the best email service provider in the world with millions of users are there. If you ever face problem in changing the settings mode in Yahoo Mobile Mail, then you should not worry as you can resolve the issue by following the steps below or even then you face some error then there is another way and that is Yahoo Customer Service Number where you will be assisted by the qualified technicians within a short span of time and without any hassle.


There is the solution for you in order to resolve the issue-


Opening Settings: To start the process you should first open the settings of Yahoo mail App, and then tap the menu icon which can be found in the upper right corner and after that, you have to scroll down and just tap on the settings option. Some versions might have not the Setting option and in place of that ‘Options’ might have there. If you are using ‘qwerty’ keypad then you can pull up the menu by just pressing the menu button. You can change even the theme by simply clicking on ‘Themes’ button as there is no theme option is available in mail settings


Mobile Mail on the Web: To change the setting in Yahoo App through the phone browser is just like an app and to do so you need to tap the menu icon which can be found in the corner, and just after that, you have to select the ‘Options’. You can see how the options which include one and that is asking the information before any kind of deletion of the message or marking them as spam or if you want to hide the message previews, there are some other options too which can help you in resolving the error.



By following the steps you can resolve the issue in an easy way but you have to keep one thing in the mind that you have to follow the steps in a strict manner. In case you failed to do so then there is another option for you in the form of Yahoo Customer Care Numbewhere you will be assisted by the qualified technicians without any delay and with an accurate response.




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