Here ways to get to South Vern in Lost Ark

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Aug 26 '2022, 2:22 | By rodeoneerer | 549 Profile Views | support user content | Comments: 0
Here ways to get to South Vern in Lost Ark
South Vern is Lost Ark’s newest continent in Lost Ark, featuring a brand new main story and a variety of new rewards for completing the quests. Getting to South Vern however takes a bit of work, including a strong Tier 3 character and completion of all the continents before it.

In addition to the storyline, South Vern will include the region’s Chaos Gate, the normal difficulty of the new Chaos Line activity, and the Thunderwings Field Boss. The two Guardian Raids and the events available through Procyon’s Compass. Una’s Tasks have daily and weekly activities, the weekly Abyssal Dungeons runs, and the Anguished Isle daily event. The South Vern Chaos Dungeons will be added in a future update when more players have reached the minimum item level required to participate.

How to unlock South Vern continent
To unlock the South Vern continent, you must complete a few steps. First of all, you’ll have to unlock a quest, and it requires you to reach an item level of at least 1,340 and to complete Punika’s main quest (the blue one).

If you have met those two conditions, you’ll be able to start out the quest. To do this, you must follow those steps:

    Launch the game and log in on your main character.
    Open your Quest Journal by pressing J.
    Click on the Guide tab.
    Accept the purple quest called “[Guide] Guides: South Vern.”
    Head back to your In Progress tab and follow the next step, which will take you to North Vern.
    Complete a few steps and you’ll be headed to the Wishnel Village, one of South Vern’s two areas.

Even if you have completed South Vern on one character, you can still unlock and do the quests on alt characters who meet the correct requirements. This is recommended as you get a good amount of honing materials from doing these quests.

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By rodeoneerer
Added Aug 26 '2022, 2:22



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