Checking the essay

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Jul 13 '2022, 5:29 | By AmberEvans | 421 Profile Views | support user content | Comments: 0

Checking the first version of an essay is of utmost importance when writing it. When writing a draft, your main task is to develop an argument, polish your main thoughts and arrange them in a strict sequence, accompanying them with illustrative material or supporting data, etc. After writing the first draft, let it sit for a day or two, and then go back to work on revising and improving it, with a "fresh head."

When revising, pay attention to the following important points:

First of all, it is important to remember that the homework marketessay is a subjective genre

so its evaluation can also be subjective. You should not focus on everyone at once.

Presented data:

Regardless of what question you are answering, you need to achieve certain goals. You are expected to keep the following in mind when writing:

- Did I answer the question asked?

- How clearly and accurately have I stated my thoughts?

- Does what I have written sound natural, are there any mistakes?

Communication/Writing Skills.

The essays are also designed to test your ability to put your thoughts on paper and your writing skills. A professional selection consultant says, "Your writing should not characterize you as a future writer or philologist, you are a future leader, a manager. The ability to present your ideas well is important to success, and the ability to express them on paper is found in those who communicate easily with others."

A poorly written (presented) essay will not contribute to you being evaluated well.

Real person image.

The review board wants to discern in the essay the image of the person who wrote it. Not only test scores, work experience, but also the candidate's character is important. "We're looking for something elusive in documents that numbers can't show, so we hope to find that in his essay. By no means pass up an opportunity to tell us about yourself in them. This will help make sure that we are considering a very real person and not just the sum of the various numbers."

The important thing here is to be honest, sincere, unique, i.e., be yourself!

Experts believe that often people want to seem like someone: a leader or a mature person, so much that they forget to be just a person!


The only way to make the committee discern the image of a particular person behind all the documents is to bring an element of the personal, unique, unique into your essay. Your essays will immediately become more interesting and eye-catching. They will help you stand out among the hundreds of other applicants.

"The essay should be as personalized as possible. It's boring to read works that are full of general phrases - it's a waste of time. You won't understand anything about the candidate's personality anyway."


Everything you write should be supported by examples, make references to your own experience. Details will make you interesting, unique, specific.

Distinctiveness / Uniqueness / Something interesting, funny.

According to experts, "applicants should not be afraid of being out of line, it's better to be yourself. Very often they worry about whether they can make the right impression, so they take away everything that makes them stand out. Such safe, from the applicants' point of view, essays are quite tedious to read."

You don't have to make jokes at all to be interesting. However, try to use every means at your disposal to make your essays memorable.


A panel of experts does not tolerate contestants who like to dust their eyes. It will be better if you reflect the true state of affairs. At the same time do not focus on your shortcomings, although they are present in your character. You need to be honest, but positive. Talk about yourself and your qualities only positively! So-called "weaknesses" should be presented as follows: "it used to be my fault, but now it's turned into a positive quality.

A literary work.

Panelists love these kinds of essays, which are a pleasure to read. "Make sure yours is an easy read. Take a little more time with it: check if your thoughts are consistent, if they lead to a logical conclusion to the topic."

"Humor is a great tool, but use it wisely. A sarcastic or sassy tone is often annoying. Real humor is an art and is a sign of good taste."

Related Resources:

There are two common types of written work in high school: essays and abstracts.


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By AmberEvans
Added Jul 13 '2022, 5:29



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