When We Eat, or Don’t Eat, May Be Critical for Health | Forum

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google_user_3104 Nov 28 '2018, 6:20

supplementforhelp  A significant reform should be the Ministry of Health's specialization in a smaller number of functions aimed at improving the efficiency of medical care. For example, you can concentrate on compiling and analyzing data. It must have expert health researchers in charge of analyzing changes in epidemiology and trends in morbidity and mortality. In addition, the Ministry of Health should have the power to order regional authorities to make systemic and resource changes based on the statistics collected and analyzed. Regional bodies should be mandated to provide quarterly health statistics to the Ministry of Health. The Ministry of Health must maintain general supervision of regional authorities. It should produce annual reports based on self-control and evaluation of systems, actions and challenges in each region. Financial statements and audits must be submitted annually to the Ministry of Health and the factors justifying the variation must be justified. Recommendations should be made to improve and influence the prosecution of white collar crimes. https://supplementforhelp.com/

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