Metatarsal Men Work Shoes | Women Work Shoes | Metatarsal
The metatarsus,Safety
Shoes, or metatarsal, is a set of bones in the forefoot that are more
commonly known as the ball of the footits the part between the instep and the
toes. These bones work together to support your entire body while walking. Its
important to keep these bones protected, especially if youre working around
heavy materials.
Thats where safety shoes that feature metatarsal
protection comes in. Work safety shoes that come with a metatarsal can be a life
saver. They provide a layer of extra protection to keep the metatarsal bones
safe from an accidental impact. These boots are a must in certain environments
where a lot of heavy materials are moving around.
Here at Safety Shoe
Distributors,Work Shoes, we carry
several mens and womens safety shoes that have metatarsal guards. Check out our
brand-leading Hytest safety boots and shoes for men and women for more details
on our stock of metatarsal safety shoes.