Logical Choice, LLC - Listing Directory

Logical Choice is a private, community based organization, which provides services to nearly 300 youth and families annually in Wayne County, Michigan. Founded in 2008, and approved as a LLC in 2009 by the Michigan Department of Energy, Labor and Economic Growth – this organization is committed to giving and sharing knowledge to better communities while servicing the needs of the whole family. Logical Choice’s scopes of services are provided by degreed social workers / counselors and educators supervised by certified directors and management.

Logical Choice’s primary focus is providing prevention and early intervention services to families with youth ages 0-18. Logical Choice is licensed by the Michigan Dept. of Licensing and Regulatory affairs as a Substance Abuse Program under the Bureau of Health Professions and a approved School Improvement Grant External Provider through the Michigan Department of Education. Logical Choice is licensed in: Early Intervention; CAIT (Community Change, Alternatives, Information, and Training); SARF (Screening, Assessment, Referral, and Follow-up); Integrated Treatment; Case Management; and Peer Recovery and Support – Logical Choice is committed to giving and sharing knowledge to better communities while servicing the needs of the whole family. Logical Choice’s scopes of services are provided by degreed social workers /counselors and educators supervised by certified directors and management. Logical Choice is a current vendor with the State of Michigan, DPS, Wayne County (Children and Family Services), YMCA, and The Office of Juvenile Justice and Prevention. Partnered organizations include Michigan State University Extension Wayne County 4H and Wayne State University VAC/Counseling Dept.

Logical Choice utilizes a cadre of professional, degreed and support staff to manage the Donor Funding Initiative programming, including a Director of Operations, a Lead Mental Health Clinician/Case Manager with a Bachelors / Master’s degree, Mental Health Clinician/Case Manager have experience utilizing the county’s Juvenile Agency Information System (JAIS) and working with the juvenile court system in Wayne County. 

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Author: ChasingMe
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