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Nov 6 '2019, 6:05 | By eshalfatima | 252 Profile Views | support user content | Comments: 0

School is the initial move towards the universe of training of a child. Schools have a commitment to learning and personality development. Some of the best schools like Cordoba international school provides the finest quality education in Pakistan. The graduates of Cordoba international schools are the ones who secure their admissions in one of the highly demanded universities in the world.They also concentrate on the extracurricular activities and physical education of the students.


A healthy and wealthy education system must embrace more than the standard academic drills like music, art and design, physical education, athletics and other co curricular activities. Cordoba international schools raises outstanding sportsmen and women who make them proud participating in national and global level physical games. Physical education and activities are essentials for better health and performance in education as it helps grooming of mental health and personality.


Some of the best schools in Pakistan are all equipped with classrooms that have environment that attracts and gains student’s attention and concentration, libraries as a variety of knowledge gaining facility other than the course books, sports complex or playground for regular physical games and event committee for the participation of students in-house events or other events hosted by the competitors.


Cordoba international schools are custom designed with multi purpose buildings. The structure of the school is highly managed and designed to be the most attractive one amongst the rivals. The infrastructure of the school management is mainly to be focused as it is the basis of the school’s progress and responsible for the student’s future career and mental and physical health. A poor management will result in stressful education system that would have an adverse effect on the mental health and education of a student.

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